We may say that the family is a relatively permanent group of people related by ancestry, marriage, or adoption, who live together and form an economic unit and whose adult members assume responsibility for the young.We lead our lives in two kinds of families. One is the family of orientation, into which we are born and the other is the family of procreation, which we later create ourselves. In every society marriage is the foundation of the family. Marriage is a socially approved sexual union of some permanence between two or more people. This union is usually inaugurated through some socially approved procedures. The offspring from such a union is considered legitimate, because their parents – both mother and father – are known and they both take the responsibility of the care and protection of the infant. Children born into a family that has not been formed through marriage may be considered illegitimate, because although their mother is known, there may be nobody to assume the social role of father.The family is a unit within a social network of relatives, or kin. Kinship refers to a network of people created by common ancestry, adoption, or marriage. In traditional societies, kinship provides important basis for social organization. In modern societies kinship looses its importance. A kinship network is a highly complicated affair, as you will know if you have ever tried to construct your own family tree. Your primary relatives – mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, daughter, and son — give a total of seven possible types. Your secondary relatives — the primary relatives of your primary relatives, excluding your own primary relatives – provide 33 additional types, ranging from mothers-in-law to nephews. If you further include tertiary relatives ~ the primary relatives of your secondary relatives, excluding your own primary and secondary relatives ~ you have 151 more types, giving a grand total of 191.
Dear administration! In a magazine read announcement at 15% discounts on tourist bicycles. I want to ask. 1. Are there bicycles on sale for mountain tourism? 2. Specify a country producer. 3. Name a brand and color of bicycle. 4. Specify the manner of payment. 5. Does a commodity deliver Your shop to the customer? Beforehand I thank you. Уважаемая администрация! В журнале прочитал объявление о 15% скидки на туристические велосипеды. Хочу спросить. 1. Имеются ли в продаже велосипеды для горного туризма? 2. Укажите страну производитель. 3. Назовите марку и цвет велосипеда. 4. Укажите оплаты. 5. Доставляет ли Ваш магазин товар покупателю? Заранее благодарю.
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