Such mite is led in the wild of the home country, all in thorns. It is a hedgehog. When I see a hedgehog, I always am surprised to him. In fact needles on him, most real natural needles! I somehow got used, that needles - they are steel, for sewing. And here - ежиные! Needles need a hedgehog for a defensive. In fact foxes and badgers hunt on a hedgehog. At a danger a hedgehog convolves in a ball, and yet sharply jumps up and hisses. So he can frighten a beast покрупнее itself. A hedgehog is little predatory зверушка. He catches mise, frogs, lizards, and even rats. The sharp snout of hedgehog sniffs up fungi and berries in a thick grass. A little hedgehog is able to clamber upwards on walls, and even to the water-shoots. Therefore fences and fences in his little trips at all him! Ежи even able to float!
Laura lives in a big city. If she lived in the country, she would have a dog. Laura shares a flat with three other girls. But if it were possible, she would live on her own. If she lived in the country, she would buy a little cottage, and she would grow her own flowers and vegetables. In town, she travels by underground and goes shopping in big department stores, but she doesn't like this at all. If she were in the country, she would ride her bike, and she would buy things in the little village shop. She loves walking and often goes for a walk in town, but the streets are noisy. In the country, she would walk across the fields with her dog.
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Задайте вопросы к предложениям. i have my english in the morning. we ussually read magazines in the evening. sometimes she goes to the cinema. she only speaks english in the class.
When do you usually read magazines?
Where does she go?
Where does she speak?