
Вставьте "since" или "for" вместо пропусков. 1. since 2. for 1. he has forgotten his spanish he left cuba. 2. what have you done i last saw you? 3. i haven't seen him ages. 4. it has rained monday. 5. i have known him childhood. 6. i've known him years. 7. - how long have you been here? - i've been here two months, last may. 8. - how long have you studied chinese? - oh, five years, i was eighteen. 9. - how long have you been in the library? - i've been here ten o'clock, three hours. 10. peter is hungry because he has had nothing to eat five hours, morning. 11. they have been here an hour. 12. it's been foggy a fortnight. 13. when has he been in love?

Английский язык


1. He has forgotten his Spanish .1. since .. he left Cuba.
2. What have you done ..1. since . I last saw you?
3. I haven't seen him . 2. for.. ages.
4. It has rained ..1. since . Monday.
5. I have known him ..1. since . childhood.
6. I've known him 2. for... years.
7. - How long have you been here?
- I've been here . 2. for.. two months, ..1. since . last May.
8. - How long have you studied Chinese?
- Oh, . 2. for.. five years, ..1. since . I was eighteen.
9. - How long have you been in the library?
- I've been here ..1. since . ten o'clock, . 2. for.. three hours.
10. Peter is hungry because he has had nothing to eat . 2. for.. five hours, ..1. since . morning.
11. They have been here . 2. for.. an hour.
12. It's been foggy . 2. for.. a fortnight.
13. ..1. since . when has he been in love?
In our country red colour has several meanings.

1.In Russia red is the symbol of danger for traffic light. Drivers and predestrians must stop when the traffic lights are red.

2.There is red colour on our national flag . Red is one of the colours of the Russian flag . It symbolizes the Earth. But Some Russians believe that red stands for courage.

3.The Russian Red Cross is an organization which gives help to those who need it . Red is also its symbol.

4.Red Square is the most important square in our country. Many people think that Red Square has such name because Soviet Russia is associated with red colour. The flag of Soviet Union was also red and has a nickname The Red Banner.

5.The word "red " (красный) is also associated with something beautiful in our country.
What does red symbolise in your country?
What does red symbolise in your country?
The tiger is the largest of the wild cats. Tiger - one of the largest terrestrial predators, second only to white and brown bears. Allocated nine subspecies of tiger, of which the beginning of XXI century, only six survived. The total number of tigers in the time of the order 4000-6500 animals, among them the most numerous is the Bengal tiger. Via XX centuries Tiger included in the Red Book. Hunting for a banned worldwide. tiger habitat may be quite different: tropical forests, mangrove swamps and thickets of bamboo in the tropics, the dry savannahs, deserts, bare rocky hills and taiga in the north.
Тигр является самым большим из диких кошек.
Тигр - один из самых больших земных хищников, вторых только белым и бурым медведям. Ассигнованный девяти подвидам тигра, которого начало XXI столетий, только шесть выжили. Общее количество тигров в момент заказа 4000-6500 животных, среди них самым многочисленным является Бенгальский тигр. Через XX столетий тигр включен в Красную Книгу. Охота для запрещенного во всем мире. Среда обитания тигров может быть вполне различна: тропические леса, болота мангрового дерева и чащи бамбука в тропиках, сухих саваннах, пустынях, обнажают скалистые холмы и тайгу на севере.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Вставьте "since" или "for" вместо пропусков. 1. since 2. for 1. he has forgotten his spanish he left cuba. 2. what have you done i last saw you? 3. i haven't seen him ages. 4. it has rained monday. 5. i have known him childhood. 6. i've known him years. 7. - how long have you been here? - i've been here two months, last may. 8. - how long have you studied chinese? - oh, five years, i was eighteen. 9. - how long have you been in the library? - i've been here ten o'clock, three hours. 10. peter is hungry because he has had nothing to eat five hours, morning. 11. they have been here an hour. 12. it's been foggy a fortnight. 13. when has he been in love?
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