Task 1:
1-f, 2-e, 3-i, 4-g, 5-c, 6-a, 7-b, 8-d, 9-j, 10-h.
Task 2 :
Education in Russia is compulsory. There are two types of education: free and paid.Children start their education in nursery school or kindergarten at the age of 3. At the age of 6 or 7 they attend primary school. Then at the age of 10 they go to secondary school. There children have different teachers in each subject .At the end of the 9th grade they take exams and continue their education in the secondary school. Some children leave their former schools to continue studies in some schools specializing in some subjects: English, Math, Art and others. Before leaving school they take final exams and get the certificate of Secondary education. After that they can enter universities, colleges, military schools or academies.
Task 3.
Difficult – complicated, private – paid, conveniences – facilities, various – different, state – free, primary – elementary, nursery – kindergarten.
Task 4.
- Are all children accepted to secondary school?
- Yes, secondary education is compulsory for all children.
- So there are any entrance exams, are there?
- No, secondary schools accept children of all abilities.
- At what age do children go to school in Russia?
- At the age of 6-7 children go to primary school and later to secondary school.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1997 на -мові та відповіді на питання : 1.what day of the week is today? 2.what day was yesterday? 3.what day will be tomorrow?
1. Today is Monday.
2. Yesterday it was Sunday.
3. Tomorrow will be Tuesday
1. Сегодня понедельник.
2. Вчера было воскресенье.
3. Завтра будет вторник.