
Вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. слова даны ниже. i think i'm your mother joyce is 24 years old. she has a baby daughter, but she can't take (1) of her baby. the government takes joyce's baby and gives her to (2) family. joyce never forgets her daughter. for 20 years joyce looks (3) . she can't find her. she doesn't know her daughter's new name. she doesn't know her daughter's (4) _. when joyce is 44 years old, she gets a (5) at a small store. a young woman works with joyce at the store. the young woman's name is tammy. tammy and joyce are friends. one day: at work tammy begins to cry. "what's the matter? " joyce asks tammy. “i feel so (6) " tammy says. "i'm looking for my mother and i can't find her." "i don't understand, " joyce says. "i know your mother. she comes into the store (7) " "yes, she's my mother, but she's not my birth mother. i can't find my birth mother because i don't have her name or address. i have ( this photo. see? this is me when i was a baby." tammy shows joyce the photo. joyce looks at the photo for a long time. then she opens her (9) and takes out a photo. it is a photo of a baby girl. joyce's photo and tammy's photo are the ( "tammy, " joyce says. "i think i'm your birth mother." the two women (11) a long time. "this is the best day of my life, " tammy says. joyce smiles and looks at tammy. "this is the best day of my life, (" she says. l. a love в care с kindness d attention 2. a other в an other с others p another 3. a for в forward с after d through 4. a school в country с address d character 5. a place в work с department d job 6. a sad в excited c bored d thirsty 7. a never в yesterday с sometimes d tomorrow 8. a already b only c just d always 9. a wallet в safe с cupboard d jar 10. a some в different с difficult d same 11. a scream b wave с hug d shake 12. a yet в also с however d too

Английский язык



ПРЕССА В США Прочтите текст об американской прессе и ответьте на вопросы. 1. Какая газета на рубеже 20-х веков была самой престижной? 2. Какую роль в жизни Америки в XIX веке играла New York Times? 3. Какие важные американские газеты? 4. Чему сегодня посвящено больше всего материалов газет и журналов? Большинство журналистов считают New York Times самой престижной газетой страны. При Адольфе С. Оксе, который купил газету в 1896 году, Times зарекомендовала себя как серьезная альтернатива сенсационной журналистике. В документе подчеркивается, что освещение важных национальных и международных событий продолжается до сих пор. На протяжении многих лет Times была основным справочным инструментом американских библиотек и стандартным чтением для дипломатов, ученых и правительственных чиновников. Нью-Йорк Таймс - лишь одна из многих ежедневных газет, которые стали важным фактором, формирующим общественное мнение. Среди наиболее известных - "Вашингтон пост", "Лос-Анджелес таймс", "Бостон Глоуб" и "Кристиан сайенс монитор". Например, "Miami Herald" отреагировала на потребности испаноязычных жителей, представив дорогостоящее освещение Латинской Америки и напечатав отдельное издание на испанском языке. Спутниковые технологии сделали возможным выпуск первых по-настоящему общенациональных газет - от строгой деловой газеты «Уолл Стрит джорнал» до ярких красок и индивидуальной ориентации «USA Today». Но наибольшее количество читателей завоевали журналы, которые удовлетворяли растущий досуг американцев и их интерес к потребительским товарам, такие как "Cosmopolitan", "Ladies Home Journal" и "Saturday Evening Post". Издатели больше не просто продавали материалы для чтения: они продавали читателей рекламодателям.


At the age of 7 little robotics already know 3 kinds of levers (and you remember?) And they assemble ready-made robots for a lesson. Boys make sure that the batteries are disposed of exclusively in a special box, and not in a general waste bin. They, as adults, turn to the teacher only by name, but to “you”.

And they also know that when they grow up, they will build robots to help humanity. Young engineers dream of conquering space, defeating enemies and disturbers. Well, win the robot competitions. The Robotologist attended a robotics lesson and wrote down answers to the question about what kind of robots the guys dream of creating.

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Вставь необходимые по смыслу слова. слова даны ниже. i think i'm your mother joyce is 24 years old. she has a baby daughter, but she can't take (1) of her baby. the government takes joyce's baby and gives her to (2) family. joyce never forgets her daughter. for 20 years joyce looks (3) . she can't find her. she doesn't know her daughter's new name. she doesn't know her daughter's (4) _. when joyce is 44 years old, she gets a (5) at a small store. a young woman works with joyce at the store. the young woman's name is tammy. tammy and joyce are friends. one day: at work tammy begins to cry. "what's the matter? " joyce asks tammy. “i feel so (6) " tammy says. "i'm looking for my mother and i can't find her." "i don't understand, " joyce says. "i know your mother. she comes into the store (7) " "yes, she's my mother, but she's not my birth mother. i can't find my birth mother because i don't have her name or address. i have ( this photo. see? this is me when i was a baby." tammy shows joyce the photo. joyce looks at the photo for a long time. then she opens her (9) and takes out a photo. it is a photo of a baby girl. joyce's photo and tammy's photo are the ( "tammy, " joyce says. "i think i'm your birth mother." the two women (11) a long time. "this is the best day of my life, " tammy says. joyce smiles and looks at tammy. "this is the best day of my life, (" she says. l. a love в care с kindness d attention 2. a other в an other с others p another 3. a for в forward с after d through 4. a school в country с address d character 5. a place в work с department d job 6. a sad в excited c bored d thirsty 7. a never в yesterday с sometimes d tomorrow 8. a already b only c just d always 9. a wallet в safe с cupboard d jar 10. a some в different с difficult d same 11. a scream b wave с hug d shake 12. a yet в also с however d too
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