
Нужно раскрыть скобки в present progressive passive или в past progressive passive. 1. the secretary says the papers (sign) at the moment. 2. when i entered the office, the papers (sign 3. we came to the counter. our purchase (wrap). 4. don't worry, the gift for kevin (just buy) now. 5. i assure you that the money (exchange) at the moment and will be brought here in a minute. 6. when we visited your city last, we noticed that lots of new houses (build) in it. 7. don't mention the bags again. they (pack) now. 8. when i was leaving the office, your reports (look) through. 9. (you serve) when i arrived? i didn't see any shop assistant nearby. 10. your trousers (iron) when you asked about them.

Английский язык


1. The secretary says the papers are being signed at the moment.
2. When I entered the office, the papers were being signed.
3. We came to the counter. Our purchase was being wrapped.
4. Don't worry, the gift for Kevin is just being bought now.
5. I assure you that the money are being exchanged at the moment and will be brought here in a minute.
6. When we visited your city last, we noticed that lots of new houses were being buill in it.
7. Don't mention the bags again. They are being packed now.
8. When I was leaving the office, your reports were being looked through.
9. Were you being served when I arrived? I didn't see any shop assistant nearby.
10. Your trousers were being ironed when you asked about them.
China - an amazing country full of diverse attractions and beauties! China's ancient civilization has been able to preserve their lands in the depths of the original traditions of its own people, to create a number of strong technology foundation, peacefully coexist with centuries of tradition-rich culture. Great-grandfathers tradition decorate unforgettable for its beauty scenery of pristine nature - from mild air surface of the cleanest rivers and lakes, surrounded by lush green vegetation, to the high snow-capped peaks of Tibet. I like the centuries-old ancient temples of the Buddha and the modern skyscrapers of megacities in China, gracefully-organically merge into a single amazing personification of beauty in our Zemle.Takzhe I like Tienanmen Square and the Great Wall of China.
( Китай - удивительная страна, полная разнообразнейших достопримечательностей и красот! Древняя цивилизация Китая смогла сберечь в недрах своих земель первоначальные традиции собственного народа, создать рядом мощную технологическую основу, мирно сосуществующую с вековыми традициями богатой культуры. Прадедовские традиции украшают незабываемые по своей красоте пейзажи первозданной природы - от легкой воздушной глади чистейших рек и озер, окруженных пышной зеленой растительностью, до высокогорных снежных вершин Тибета. Мне нравятся многовековые старинные храмы Будды и современные небоскребы мегаполисов Китая, грациозно-органически сливающиеся в единое потрясающее олицетворение прекрасного на нашей Земле.Также мне нравится площадь Тяньаньмэнь и Великая Китайская стена.)

На самом деле все очень просто


Существует 4 группы времен.

1.Simple        2.Continuous      3.Perfect      4.Perfect continuous

Каждое время включает в себя ВРЕМЕНА)

1.Simple -это обычные повторяющиеся действия или привычки в пр.в наст.в буд.в . .(В это времени для глагола выбираем 2 форму в

Пример: 1.Я ходил в школу(я обычно туда хожу "повторяющееся")

               I went to school

               2.Я хожу в школу (я постоянно туда хожу)

                I go to school

               3.Я пойду в школу(я туда пойду т.к хожу туда регулярно)

               I will go to school

Past simple      Present simple     Future simple

2.Continuous- обозначает ДЛИТЕЛЬНОЕ действие в пр.в наст.в. буд.в. (К глаголу добавляем -ing)

Пример: 1.Я читал(ты долго читал"процесс")

                I was reading

                2.Я читаю  (я делаю сейчас)

                I am reading

                3.Я буду читать(читать это долгий процесс)

                I will be reading

Past continuous        Present continuous    Future continuous

3.Perfect- обозначает завершенное действие, результат которого на лицо.(В это времени для глагола выбираем 3 форму)

Пример: 1.Мы сыграли (до определенного события в

                We had played

              2.Мы сыграли

                We have played

              3.Мы сыграем (до определенного события в будущем).

                We will have played

Past perfect      Present perfect       Future perfect

Я думаю на это можно и закончить. Последнее время сложное практически для всех. Сама не до конца понимаю.

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Нужно раскрыть скобки в present progressive passive или в past progressive passive. 1. the secretary says the papers (sign) at the moment. 2. when i entered the office, the papers (sign 3. we came to the counter. our purchase (wrap). 4. don't worry, the gift for kevin (just buy) now. 5. i assure you that the money (exchange) at the moment and will be brought here in a minute. 6. when we visited your city last, we noticed that lots of new houses (build) in it. 7. don't mention the bags again. they (pack) now. 8. when i was leaving the office, your reports (look) through. 9. (you serve) when i arrived? i didn't see any shop assistant nearby. 10. your trousers (iron) when you asked about them.
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