
Переведите предложения с present perfect. где николай? — он уже лег спать. возьмите эти журналы. я уже прочитала их. ты уже сделал уроки? — нет еще. за последнее время я выучил много новых французских слов. мы еще не видели центра вашего города. мы только что приехали. он написал две статьи за последнее время. где ваша дочь? — я уже отвела ее в детский сад. я еще не был в новом театре. она никогда раньше не переводила такие трудные статьи.

Английский язык


Where's Nikolai? — He already went to bed.
Take these magazines. I have already read them.
Have you done your homework? No, not yet.
Recently, I learned a lot of new French words.
We have not seen the center of your city. We just got here.
He wrote two articles recently.
Where is your daughter? I already took her to kindergarten.
I haven't been to the new theatre.
She has never translated such difficult articles.
Where's Nikolai? — He already went to bed. Take these magazines. I have already read them. Have you done your homework? No, not yet. Recently, I learned a lot of new French words. We have not seen the center of your city. We just got here. He wrote two articles recently. Where is your daughter? I already took her to kindergarten. I haven't been to the new theatre. She has never translated such difficult articles.



1. I go to the cinema twice a month.

2. I like thrillers and drama.

3. I think they do not like the smell of popcorn.

4. In my free time, I prefer to do sports.

5. Watching films in English make children absorb English pronunciation and enlarge vocabulary.

6. I would like all my friends to see The Great Gatsby and the Green Mile. I think those films help discover the in-depth quality of fairness, friendship, and dedication.

7. If I am a film producer, I would make a movie about human relations because it is essential.

8. I do not like theatre but I think being a famous actor is not good because you lose your privacy.

9. I guess visiting museums is interesting because I can get to know about many aspects of human activities.

10. I would make a museum of school education.

11. I think teenagers enjoy comedies.

12. I prefer watching films at home because it is more convenient.

13. I have seen Perl Harbour. It is about two friends-pilots.

14. Movies can show people what is important and how one can feel about the events in our lives.

15. Some films are exciting and helpful.

I go to the cinema every day
i like drama films
because it is very comfortable
i like to read books and cook
student study new words
i would recommend “Titanic” because it is very interesting and romantic
i would make a film about my life because there were a lot of funny moments
i was in a theatrical performance last week. yes, i thank it’s very exited to be a famous actor because you have a lot of fans
i don’t find visiting museums interesting but sometimes i can go to a museum, when i have to do a school exercise

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Переведите предложения с present perfect. где николай? — он уже лег спать. возьмите эти журналы. я уже прочитала их. ты уже сделал уроки? — нет еще. за последнее время я выучил много новых французских слов. мы еще не видели центра вашего города. мы только что приехали. он написал две статьи за последнее время. где ваша дочь? — я уже отвела ее в детский сад. я еще не был в новом театре. она никогда раньше не переводила такие трудные статьи.
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