
Nick says to his mother "what interests you most? " переведите в косвенное предложение

Английский язык


Nick asked his mother what interested her most.

My neighbors are very kind people. They are always good at our family. My family and I often go to tea for them. Our neighbors are able to bake delicious buns. And they also love to have fun with me and my sister with various anecdotes. We are always happy to hear stories from our grandfather Sergey. He knows how to make funny and terrible stories. Granny Katira always shows us how to cook dishes of foreign origin. But in general our juddes are good people.


Мої сусіди дуже добрі люди. Вони завжди добре ставляться до нашої сім'ї. Ми з моєю сім'єю часто ходимо до них на чаювання. Наші сусіди вміють пекти дуже смачні булочки. А також вони люблять веселити мене і мою сестру різними анекдотами. Ми завжди раді почути історії від діда Сергія. Він уміє росказувати як і смішні так і страшні історії. Бабуся катря завжди показує нам як готуватим страви іноземних походжень. Та взагалі наші судіди хороші люди.


My room is big and bright. There are two bad.there is a desk standing by the window. It is very convenient: when I get tired, I like to look out the window. Look at the way the tops of the trees sway, the clouds are floating somewhere, the colors are changing at sunset. In the evenings, I sit down for him and read my favorite book. Next to the table is a huge bookcase. It contains my favorite books, toys, and a small collection of discs with various films. I don’t play with toys now, but when I look at them I remember my childhood. It is very nice. Opposite the cabinet, on the opposite wall, is my bed. This is my own island. The island is because the bed looks like a beach, and the wallpaper, on which the sea flaunts, complements the picture. On the ceiling are visible small stars that glow at night. It looks very beautiful! My room is full of joy and light! I love my room very much and always welcome guests!

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Nick says to his mother "what interests you most? " переведите в косвенное предложение
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