1. No, it wasn't. It was raining when I left my house yesterday.
2. No, she wasn't. She was talking on the phone when I came in.
3. No, he wasn't. He was reading a book at this time yesterday.
4. No, they weren't. They were doing their homework the whole evening yesterday.
5. No, he wasn't. He was learning new words from ten to eleven yesterday.
6. No, I wasn't. I was cooking the whole morning yesterday.
7. No, they weren't. They were listening listening to the radio when I entered the room.
8. No, she wasn't. She was translating an article the whole evening yesterday.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Перепишите и переведите предложения на язык. выпишите из каждого глагол - сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму. напишите форму инфинитива глагола. 1. the situation calls for immediate actions. 2. this is the third time bill has phoned his friend this evening. 3. parliament resumed the emergency debate last friday. 4. the introduction of new technologies will promote economic development. 5. i had never seen mr. johnson so sad before our last meeting. 6. the population of the world is rising very fast.
calls - ед. число, 3-е лицо. Present Simple. to call
2. Уже в третий раз Билл звонил своему другу в этот вечер.
has phoned - ед. число, 3-е лицо. Present Perfect. to phone
3. Парламент возобновил чрезвычайные дебаты в минувшую пятницу.
resumed - Past Simple. to resume
4. Внедрение новых технологий будет развитию экономики.
will promote - Future Simple. to promote
5. Я никогда не видел г-н Джонсона таким грустным до нашей последней встречи.
had seen - Past Perfect. to see
6. Население мира растет очень быстро.
is rising - Present Continuous. to rise