
С! make a list of useful words and phrases from the text about nicholas miklouho-maclay on page 23 of your student’s book (part 2) and get ready to speak briefly about his biography. — составьте список полезных слов и фраз из текста о николае миклухо-маклае. текст. on 25 october 1906, a bust of nicholas miklouho-maclay was unveiled on science road in the university of sydney to commemorate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his birth. a ruasian explorer, he became a prominent figure of nineteenth century australian science. maclay was the first scientist to settle among and study people who had never seen a white man. autralia became his adopted country and sydney the home town of his family. miklouho-maclay arrived in australia on board the russian corvette vityaz on 18 july 1878. a few days later, he approached the linnean station, located on the east side of greater sydney, was the first marine biological research institute in australia. he also carried out his research in new guinea, melanesia, polynesia, philippines and indonesia. he visited many villages, studying the languages and culture of the aborigines. melaneаia, indonesia. he visited many villages, studying the languages and culture of the aborigines. with patience, courage and madical skill he won the confidence and co-operation of thr inhabitants.during the 1850s and 1860s there was much discussion connected with the study of human races and the interpretation of racial characteristics. some anthropologists tried to prove that not all human races are of equal worth and that "white people" are predestined by "natural selection" to rule over the "coloured" races. this theory was used to justify slavery and colonialism. miklouhо-mаclay was one of the first anthropologists to oppose scientific racism. we remember him as an outstanding scientist, human rights activist and humanist.

Английский язык


Составьте список полезных слов и фраз из текста о Николае Миклухо-Маклая на странице 23 вашего студента Книги (часть 2) и получить готовый говорить кратко о его биографии. - Составьте список полезных слов и фраз из текста о Николае Миклухо-Маклае.


от 25 октября 1906 года бюст Миклухо-Маклай был открыт Science-роуд в Университете Сиднея в честь сто пятидесятой годовщины со дня его рождения. Ruasian исследователь, он стал заметной фигурой девятнадцатого века австралийской науки. Маклай был первым ученым, селиться среди и изучать людей, которые никогда не видели белого человека. Autralia стала его принятой страной и Сидней родной город его семьи. Миклухо-Маклай прибыл в Австралию на борту российского корвет Витязь 18 июля 1878. Несколько дней спустя, он подошел к Linnean станции, расположенной на восточной стороне Большого Сиднея, был первый морской биологический научно-исследовательский институт в Австралии. Кроме того, он проводил свои исследования в Новой Гвинее, Меланезии, Полинезии, Филиппин и Индонезии. Он побывал во многих деревнях, изучая языки и культуру аборигенов. Melaneаia, Индонезия. Он побывал во многих деревнях, изучая языки и культуру аборигенов. С терпением, мужеством и madical мастерство, которое он завоевал доверие и сотрудничество Thr inhabitants.During 1850-х и 1860-х годов Существовал много обсуждение связано с изучением человеческих рас и интерпретации расовых признаков. Некоторые антропологи пытались доказать, что не все человеческие расы имеют одинаковую ценность, и что "белые люди" предопределены "естественного отбора" власть над "цветных" рас. Эта теория использовалась для оправдания рабства и колониализма. Miklouhо-Mаclay был одним из первых антропологов противостоять научного расизма. Мы помним его как выдающегося ученого, правозащитника и гуманиста.
1) The Capital Of Canada (Ottawa) 
2)the Official language of Canada apart from English (French) 
3)the First inhabitants of Canada (the natives) 
4)What does the word Canada (village) 
5) What game was invented by canadian James Naismith, to give an opportunity to the students of the sports school to play sports indoors in the winter. (basketball) 
6)What was the motto of Canada is From sea to sea) 
7)the highest waterfall of Canada (by the way, it is several times higher than the Niagara falls) (Della falls) 
8)formerly known As the capital of Canada (Bayton) 
9)Who opened Canada (24 June 1497 John Cabot) 
10)national game of Canada (hockey)
1) The Capital Of Canada (Ottawa) 
2)the Official language of Canada apart from English (French) 
3)the First inhabitants of Canada (the natives) 
4)What does the word Canada (village) 
5) What game was invented by canadian James Naismith, to give an opportunity to the students of the sports school to play sports indoors in the winter. (basketball) 
6)What was the motto of Canada is From sea to sea) 
7)the highest waterfall of Canada (by the way, it is several times higher than the Niagara falls) (Della falls) 
8)formerly known As the capital of Canada (Bayton) 
9)Who opened Canada (24 June 1497 John Cabot) 
10)national game of Canada (hockey)

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С! make a list of useful words and phrases from the text about nicholas miklouho-maclay on page 23 of your student’s book (part 2) and get ready to speak briefly about his biography. — составьте список полезных слов и фраз из текста о николае миклухо-маклае. текст. on 25 october 1906, a bust of nicholas miklouho-maclay was unveiled on science road in the university of sydney to commemorate the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his birth. a ruasian explorer, he became a prominent figure of nineteenth century australian science. maclay was the first scientist to settle among and study people who had never seen a white man. autralia became his adopted country and sydney the home town of his family. miklouho-maclay arrived in australia on board the russian corvette vityaz on 18 july 1878. a few days later, he approached the linnean station, located on the east side of greater sydney, was the first marine biological research institute in australia. he also carried out his research in new guinea, melanesia, polynesia, philippines and indonesia. he visited many villages, studying the languages and culture of the aborigines. melaneаia, indonesia. he visited many villages, studying the languages and culture of the aborigines. with patience, courage and madical skill he won the confidence and co-operation of thr inhabitants.during the 1850s and 1860s there was much discussion connected with the study of human races and the interpretation of racial characteristics. some anthropologists tried to prove that not all human races are of equal worth and that "white people" are predestined by "natural selection" to rule over the "coloured" races. this theory was used to justify slavery and colonialism. miklouhо-mаclay was one of the first anthropologists to oppose scientific racism. we remember him as an outstanding scientist, human rights activist and humanist.
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