Everyone knows that for all students the best time of the year is summer holidays. First of all, you’re free from school and may forget about textbooks, lessons, homework for all three months. Moreover, you don’t have to wake up early every day and have all this annoying routine. So you just have the opportunity to relax and enjoy perfect summer time.As for me, my summer is quite typical from year to year. I usually spend June at home. I get up late all the time and try to be outside with my friends as much as possible. I really enjoy cool summer evenings when my friends and I can go for a walk in the park or ride around the city on our bikes. Also, we like rollerblading a lot. If the weather is bad I normally stay at home playing computer games or just surfing the Internet.Then July I usually spend in the countryside with my grandparents. I have a lot of friends there as well. We often go to the lake for swimming or sunbathing. It’s always active time and we have a lot of things to do together.
August is the most interesting month. My parents usually have a vacation at this time so travelling to different countries is the best activity before I go back to school. My parents and I love travelling all over Europe. Thus, we have already visited Italy, Spain, France and Czech Republic. We prefer city holidays with a lot of excursions and sightseeing. But we can also combine it with a beach holiday as we did it in Italy and Spain. It helps to keep the balance between active and peaceful rest.So, I suppose that summer must be full of rest, going out with friends and obligatory travelling. This year my family is going to Greece and I’m looking forward to having an exciting time there.
Менін сүйікті мерекем өте-өте көп соның біразын айта кетейін.Қыс айында болатын мереке Жаңа жыл мерекесі бұл мерекеде кешкі 00:00-ден кейін барлық адамдар шығып от атқыштар атып барлығы көңіл көтереді! Менде көңіл көтеремін. Тағы да уйгеде көп қонақтар келіп түрлі-түрлі сыйлықтар береде. Көктем айында болатын мерекенің бірі 8-наурыз мерекесі. Бұл мерекеде ұлдар қыздарға сыйлық береді. Тек қыздарға ғана емес бүкіл əйелдерге,əжелерге керемет сыйлықтар табыстайды. Менде анама, əжеме сыйлық беремін. 7-мамыр күні халықаралық ұлдар яғни жігіттер мейрамы. Мен бұл мерекеде əкеме,ініме, ағама, атама сыйлық беремін. Міне осымен біткен жоқ менің сүйікті мерекелерім айта берсем шек жоқ!
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Поставить предложения в отрицательную форму 1. it is was a pandas , a lovely animal. 2. it were a symbol of the wwf. 3. the panda was funny and nice. 4. they were very lazy
It was not the symbol of the WWF.
The pandas were not funny and nice.
They were not very lazy.