
Нужна ! надо с на написать предложения: 1. во время ток-шоу пустили рекламу. 2. я собираю интересные комиксы. 3. прислали газету с тв-программой. 4. утром в детском саду давали кашу. 5. в журнале напечатали гороскоп. 6. ребенок у врача рассказывал детский стишок. 7. по телевидению передавали международные новости, местные новости и новости страны. 8. в мобильном телефоне играет музыка. 9. на компьютер поставили безопасную программу от вирусов. 10. в китае побит рекорд по щелканью пальцев. 11. появившийся скорпион создал панику. 12. папа забил гвоздь в стене для картины. 13. на электронную почту прислали письмо. 14. у известной звезды взяли интервью. 15. надо принять таблетку/лекарство чтобы выздороветь. заранее за !

Английский язык


1. During the talk show they started advertising.
2. I collect interesting comics.
3. They sent a newspaper with a TV program.
4. In the morning they gave porridge to the kindergarten.
5. The journal printed a horoscope.
6. A child at the doctor told a nursery rhyme.
7. The television broadcast international news, local news and country news.
8. Music is playing on the mobile phone.
9. A safe program was installed on the computer from viruses.
10. In China, the record is broken by a click of fingers.
11. The scorpion appeared and created a panic.
12. Dad hammered a nail in the wall for a picture.
13. An e-mail was sent to the letter.
14. A famous star was interviewed.
15. You need to take a medicine to get well.
My Favourite Season is winter.When approaching in December in the autumn air, feel the breath of winter. Getting colder by the day. Cold makes hands cold and stiff. People wear warm clothes.And then begin to fall, soft, white snowflakes and quickly cover the ground and the roof Toast layer. When the branches of spruce and pine trees covered with snow they look very nice. Snow lay thick on the ground and the birds jump in search of food.Many icicles shining in the sun, hanging from the roofs of houses. Everything seems sheltered white blanket. Rivers and lakes are covered with a thick layer of ice, and you can ride on them.Winter - a fun time for children. They mold snowmen and playing snowballs. When the weather is good, children and adults go skiing, skating or climb down from the snow-covered hills.It is also time to loud celebrations, there are many festivals in the winter days. We celebrate Christmas and New Year, and this is my favorite holiday of the year. As you can see I have a lot of reasons to love this time of year. When I go out, I see that all children are looking for a fun. After school, the children love to ride on hill. Here are having fun on the hill with your friends! And yet we love to go to the rink. There are skating on ice. And I love to sculpt a snowman, it's very fun and interesting! That's how I like winter!
1. The car is nice to drive, but I like its colour.  2. This town is wonderful, it`s got lots of shops!  3. I’m staying at home today because it’s cold outside.  4. Let’s go in here. It’s a cheap restaurant.  5. A bird has built its nest in our garden.  6. The company I work for has changed its name.  7. I saw a lovely dress in the shop window yesterday, but I didn’t see its price.  8. I like this game because it’s playing with the ball.  9. Look at this table. Its leg is broken.  10. I like your blouse. It’s like Sandra’s.

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Нужна ! надо с на написать предложения: 1. во время ток-шоу пустили рекламу. 2. я собираю интересные комиксы. 3. прислали газету с тв-программой. 4. утром в детском саду давали кашу. 5. в журнале напечатали гороскоп. 6. ребенок у врача рассказывал детский стишок. 7. по телевидению передавали международные новости, местные новости и новости страны. 8. в мобильном телефоне играет музыка. 9. на компьютер поставили безопасную программу от вирусов. 10. в китае побит рекорд по щелканью пальцев. 11. появившийся скорпион создал панику. 12. папа забил гвоздь в стене для картины. 13. на электронную почту прислали письмо. 14. у известной звезды взяли интервью. 15. надо принять таблетку/лекарство чтобы выздороветь. заранее за !
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