
Как объяснить это выражение на ? "unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. the past increases, the future recedes. possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting"

Английский язык


К сожалению, часы тикают, часы идут отступает, наступает будущее. Возможности уменьшаются, сожаления восходят.
Не уверен в точности, но я попытался.


1. Emily makes ...

2. Rohan works...

3. Indians decorate ...

4. My little daughter adores ...

II.  1. The children are taking the sweets ...

2. Rahul is receiving an award ...

3. I am walking five miles ...

4. The monkey are swinging ...

III. 1. Mrs Robert fed the ...

2. The cleaner was empty ...

3. The tailor was lengthen ...

4. She spent her time ...

IV. 1. Jonh was waiting ...

2. We were watching ...

3. The director was making

4. We were listening ...

V. 1. I will build ...

2. The cook will wrap ...

3. We will demand

4. The police will catch ...

VI. 1. I was listening to the news.

2. The train to Delhi is leaving ...

3. Rita will give

4. We attended ...

5. I begin ...

VII. 1. He distributes newspapers to entire neighbourhood.

2. We visited our cousins ...

3. I will go to the gym ...

4. My teacger is giving homework ...

5. I was typing a letter ...


В тех местах, где многоточие перепишите предложения.

Не учился в британской школе, но сейчас учусь в канадской. Думая система образования одинаковая (англия=канада) напишу что знаю.

In this ESSAY, I would like to compare 2 different education systems, 2 different schools. Britain and Russia.
As I know, in Russia children go to school at 6-7 years old. But in Britain at 5 years old. What about time? I asked my friend, he studies in Britain, so, he said that he wake up at 7:30, has breakfast and goes to the school bus. Class starts at 9 a.m. I will not tell you about Russian schedule, everybody knows. 
Also, I read on the internet that they can choose 4 subjects for 1 semester. 1 semester equal a half of year. In Russian education system is absolutely different. I must study subjects with other guys. Same subjects. 1 class=45 minutes. In Britain, 1 class= 1 hour 10 minutes. 
The coolest thing in Britain school, they have no school uniform. I wanna study in Britain!
Also, after 2 period (after 2 lesson) students have a break for 50 minutes. They can go to cafeteria, or to restaurants near the school.
At the end I want to say that, I can say which education system is better, until I stady in both schools.

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Как объяснить это выражение на ? "unfortunately, the clock is ticking, the hours are going by. the past increases, the future recedes. possibilities decreasing, regrets mounting"
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