
It seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. but the imbrella was not invented profection against rain. its first use was to protect people against the sun. b) nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. probably the first to use it were the chihnese is the eleventh century b.c.! we knkw that the umbrella was used in ancient egypt too. c) and there was a strange thing about the umbrella in those days. it showed that a person who hand it belonged to people of high social status. in the far east in ancient times, the umbrella wasn allowed to be used only by the members of royal familiens or by thouse in high office. b) in europe, the creeks were the first to use the umbrella and they used it as protection against the umbrella as protection against the rain, were the ancient pomans. e) during the middle ages the umbrella practically stopped being used. then people began making them again in italy in the late sixteenth century. and again it was suppsosed to be a symbol of power and authority. by 1680, the umbrella appeared in frence, and later on in england. f) by the nineteenth century, the umbrella was used agaist rain by peoples of most evropean countres. umbrellas have not shanged much in style durning all this time, though they have become much linghter in weight. it wash' t until the twentieth century that women' s umbrellas began to be made in different colours.

Английский язык


Kondratev Ruzavina22
Кажется, так естественно положить зонтик, чтобы держать воду с, когда идет дождь. Но imbrella не был изобретен профекция от дождя. Его первое использование должно было защитить людей от солнца. б) Никто не знает, кто первым придумал, но зонт был использован в очень древние времена. Вероятно, первым, чтобы использовать это были Chihnese это до Р. Х. одиннадцатый век! Мы knkw, что зонт был использован в Древнем Египте тоже. в) И странное дело о зонтом в те дни. Он показал, что человек, его рука принадлежала к людям высокого социального статуса. На Дальнем Востоке в древности, зонтик WASN разрешается использовать только члены королевских familiens либо thouse в высоком кабинете. б) В Европе, заводях были первыми использовать зонтик, и они использовали его в качестве защиты от зонтика в качестве защиты от дождя, были древние Pomans. е) В средние века зонтик практически перестали использоваться. Тогда люди начали делать их снова в Италии в конце шестнадцатого века. И снова это был suppsosed быть символом силы и власти. К 1680 году, зонт появился в Frence, а затем в Англии. е) В девятнадцатом веке зонтик использовался agaist дождь народы большинства Evropean countres. Зонтики не shanged много в стиле Дернинг все это время, хотя они стали намного linghter в весе. Он не мыть 'т до двадцатого века, что женщины "начали быть сделаны в различных цветах зонтики s.
I go to school six days a week, except for school, I flso attend additional courses. I walk into English, doing vocals and playing the piano.
I attend English twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday.Our lesson begins with checking homework.Then we study the a new a theme and begin perform certain written and oral exercises. Conclude by me a give homework.As I said before, I'm also doing the vocals.I attend vocal, 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.The lesson begins with a various vocal exercises, of tongue twisters.After we are discussing a new song, we learn the words and we listen melody.
On the music too, I go three days a week on Monday, Tuesday and Friday.There we learn are different musical pieces.
I do not have much free time.But I think it's best to expand its capabilities and to be an active person than sit still

Между Британской и Российской школы:В России дети идут в первый класс 6-7 лет,а в Британии дети идут в 5-6 лет.

В России дети заканчивают среднее образование(5-9 класс) и получают аттестат а потом не работают а поступают в колледж,техникум и тд.

А в Британии дети считается образование до 16 лет. Аттестат у них можно получить либо в школе или в колледже. Потом человек может идти работать, либо готовиться к сдаче экзаменов GCSE с целью получения высшего образования. Имея сертификат об обязательном образовании, в Великобритании уже можно начинать работать.

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It seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. but the imbrella was not invented profection against rain. its first use was to protect people against the sun. b) nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrella was used in very ancient times. probably the first to use it were the chihnese is the eleventh century b.c.! we knkw that the umbrella was used in ancient egypt too. c) and there was a strange thing about the umbrella in those days. it showed that a person who hand it belonged to people of high social status. in the far east in ancient times, the umbrella wasn allowed to be used only by the members of royal familiens or by thouse in high office. b) in europe, the creeks were the first to use the umbrella and they used it as protection against the umbrella as protection against the rain, were the ancient pomans. e) during the middle ages the umbrella practically stopped being used. then people began making them again in italy in the late sixteenth century. and again it was suppsosed to be a symbol of power and authority. by 1680, the umbrella appeared in frence, and later on in england. f) by the nineteenth century, the umbrella was used agaist rain by peoples of most evropean countres. umbrellas have not shanged much in style durning all this time, though they have become much linghter in weight. it wash' t until the twentieth century that women' s umbrellas began to be made in different colours.
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