
Напишы три вещи которые ты умеешь делать и тре которые не умеешь l l can ,

Английский язык


I can: walk, eat, drink
i cant: fly, eat white bear, kill pikachu
I can go to the cinema.
I can help my mother.
I can make a postcard.
I can't give you this pen.
I can't buy new book.
I can't find my key.

Kitty kitten was invented in 1974 by Shintaro Tsuji, the owner of the Japanese toy company Sanrio. One day he decided to come up with a new character that everyone would like. As a result of long work (Tsuji spent a long time coming up with, drawing different options, checking the reaction of buyers), an ideal hero appeared. Today, the Hello Kitty brand generates over a billion dollars in revenue annually. The name of the kitty was also in doubt at first. Its creator tossed between versions of "Hello Kitty" and "Kitty White" - that was the name of one of Alice's cats from the book "Alice in Wonderland". But the latter option was eventually rejected

The first item that gained immense popularity among buyers was a simple wallet with a picture of Kitty. Before that, postcards and other similar little things with her image were produced, but they did not have such success. Kitty's popularity grew steadily, but peaked in the late eighties and sales began to slowly decline. Customers didn't like the fact that Kitty was always the same and seemed to be lifeless. She was portrayed in one position - the muzzle looks at the viewer, and the torso is turned sideways, was dressed in a blue jumpsuit, and a thick black outline was drawn around the figure. Then the designer of the company "Sanrio" Yuko Yamaguchi decided to change this image, which was boring to many

Однажды мы с подругами гуляли возле заброшенного здания. Арина(подставь имя подруги) решила зайти. Она долго просила нас пойти с ней,мы не соглашались. Но она уговорила. После того как мы поднялись на второй этаж,в соседней комнате что-то упало.  Ангелина(имя твоей подруги) и я насторожились. Но Арине было всё равно. Мы попросили её пойти отсюда. После того как спустились,лестница начала трещать.Мы убежали. Бежали куда глаза глядят. Позади были слышны чьи-то крики. Я не уверена что это был призрак,но и не могло быть это все совпадением.


One day we were walking near an abandoned building. Arina decided to go. She begged us to go with her,we didn't agree. But she persuaded. After we climbed to the second floor in the next room dropped something. Angelina and I cringed. But Arina didn't care. We asked her to come here. Once descended,the stairs began to crack.We ran. Ran aimlessly. Behind was heard someone screaming. I'm not sure it was a Ghost,but couldn't this all be a coincidence.

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