
10 вопросов к тексту: the terrible truth we all enjoy a day out at the beach, but these days you are likely to find much more there than just sand and sea! many of the thousands of people that visit beaches every year leave behind food wrappers, cigarette ends, drink cans and toys like buckets, spades and beach balls. these can then be blown or washed into the sea and become marine litter. marine litter can also come from ships, fishermen, drains and factories.this litter doesn't just look horrible - it's dangerous, too! litter harms wildlife and people marine mammals such as seals, sea lions and dolphins are very curious animals who like to examine unusual objects in the sea.this is how they get mixed up in the litter, which causes them injury and stops them from finding food or swimming away from their enemies. birds, fish and mammals can also confuse litter for food and eat it. sea turtles, for example, often eat plastic bags because they look like jellyfish, one of their favourite foods. this then fills up the turtle's digestive system and makes it feel full, so it stops eating and starves. 100, 000 marine mammals and nearly a million seabirds die either from getting caught in or eating litter each year! many of these creatures are already threatened or endangered species. in addition, litter is dangerous for people as they can cut themselves on glass or metal. marine litter can also block boat propellers, which is dangerous and very expensive to repair. so next time you go to the beach, make sure you are part of the solution, not the problem! take all of your litter home with you and consider taking any other litter you can see around you too. if you live near a beach, you could even organise a beach clean-up day.

Английский язык


1. Where the story was happened?
2. How many people spend their time on the beach?
3. What these people leave on the beach?
4. Did the ships leave the marine litter?
5. For whom harms the marine litter?
6. Are seals, sea lions and dolphins very curious animals?7. What they like to do?
8. What can happened with birds, fish and mammals?9. Can they eat the marine litter?
10. How many birds and mammals die because of the marine litter?

одной из первых оригинальных скульптур города мурманска стал монументальный памятник анатолию бредову. памятник был установлен на деньги жителей города. бредов анатолий федорович - герой советского союза, командир пулеметного отделения 155-го стрелкового полка 14-й стрелковой дивизии четырнадцатой армии карельского фронта; служил военным сержантом. бредов а. ф. родился 14 июля 1923 года в городе новгороде в обычной рабочей семье. в мурманске окончил семилетнюю школу, а с 1938 года пошел работать электромонтером на судостроительный завод в городе мурманске. в апреле 1942 года бредова призвали на военную службу в ряды красной армии.


one of the first original sculptures of the city of murmansk was a monumental monument to anatoly bredov. the monument was erected on the money of the inhabitants of the city. bredov anatoly fedorovich - hero of the soviet union, commander of the machine-gun department of the 155th rifle regiment belonging to the 14th rifle division of the fourteenth army of the karelian front; served as a military sergeant. bredov a.f. born july 14, 1923 in the city of novgorod in a normal working class family. in murmansk, he graduated from a seven-year school, and from 1938 went to work as an electrician in a shipyard in the city of murmansk. in april 1942, bredova called for military service in the ranks of the red army.

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10 вопросов к тексту: the terrible truth we all enjoy a day out at the beach, but these days you are likely to find much more there than just sand and sea! many of the thousands of people that visit beaches every year leave behind food wrappers, cigarette ends, drink cans and toys like buckets, spades and beach balls. these can then be blown or washed into the sea and become marine litter. marine litter can also come from ships, fishermen, drains and factories.this litter doesn't just look horrible - it's dangerous, too! litter harms wildlife and people marine mammals such as seals, sea lions and dolphins are very curious animals who like to examine unusual objects in the sea.this is how they get mixed up in the litter, which causes them injury and stops them from finding food or swimming away from their enemies. birds, fish and mammals can also confuse litter for food and eat it. sea turtles, for example, often eat plastic bags because they look like jellyfish, one of their favourite foods. this then fills up the turtle's digestive system and makes it feel full, so it stops eating and starves. 100, 000 marine mammals and nearly a million seabirds die either from getting caught in or eating litter each year! many of these creatures are already threatened or endangered species. in addition, litter is dangerous for people as they can cut themselves on glass or metal. marine litter can also block boat propellers, which is dangerous and very expensive to repair. so next time you go to the beach, make sure you are part of the solution, not the problem! take all of your litter home with you and consider taking any other litter you can see around you too. if you live near a beach, you could even organise a beach clean-up day.
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