1.When he was younger he used to swim (have a swim) every morning. Can you swim from here to that rock? (swim). 2.Can you come in for a moment? I'd like to talk (have a talk) to you. Can I ask you not to talk at the lessons? (talk). 3.My father doesn't smoke. But my grandfather likes to have a smoke after every meal. (smoke). 4. Look at the picture carefully and answer my questions. Let me have a look at the photos, I haven't seen them yet. (look) 5. When would you like to have a break now or a bit later? Don't play football here, kids: you can break the window.(break).
Hi Pauline. Before I got your letter, and I of course now I will answer to all your questions. My favorite holiday is New year. I love getting presents, decorate the Christmas tree, to launch salutes and watch them and of course eat the food, prepared by my mother. What we отмечем holidays? We celebrate the New year, Easter, baptism, March 8, mother's day, February 23, and our birthdays. What a gift to you was the best? Not important for me gifts, I can. whatever they were given from the heart. and I love books. Привет Полина. До меня дошло твоё письмо, и я конечно сейчас отвечу на всё твои вопросы. Мой любимый праздник это Новый год. Я люблю получать подарки, наряжать ёлку, запускать салюты и наблюдать за ними и конечно кушать угощения, которые готовит моя мама. Какие мы отмечем праздники? Мы отмечаем Новый год, пасху, крещение, 8 марта, день матери, 23 февраля и наши дни рождения.Какой подарок для тебя был самым лучшим? Для меня не важны подарки, мне главное. что бы они дарились от души. а так я люблю книги.
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