
Можно отпр. сочинение на про байтерек или думан и с переводом

Английский язык


Dmitrievna Lvovich
Монумент «Астана–Байтерек» считается символом и главной достопримечательностью Астаны. Байтереу представляет собой высокую металлическую конструкцию с огромным шаром на вершине. Высота сооружения составляет 97 метров и знаменует о переносе столицы из Алматы в Астану в 1997 году.Идея постройки принадлежит президенту Республики Казахстан, Нурсултану Абишевичу Назарбаеву. .Ночью монумент эффектно подсвечивается.В 2002 году на открытии монумента, президент Казахастана сказал: «Любой, кто сюда поднимется, впитает в себя степную ширь Казахстана и огромность нашего государства».Упустить шанс впитать в себя степную ширь я никак не мог. Поднимаюсь на скоростном и бесшумном лифте на высоту 86 метров, где находится панорамный зал.С вершины Байтерека открывается прекрасный вид на строящийся город,вид на выставочный комплекc, комплекс административных зданий и недостроенные деловые кварталы,вид на резиденцию президента, сенат и правительство,вид на Министерство обороны.В центре панорамного зала находится деревянный глобус c 17 лепестками, подписанными 17 представителями различных мировых религий.Рядом с глобусом на шикарном столике стоит «машина исполнения желаний»: внутри медного полушария находится слепок ладони президента Казахстана Нурсултана Назарбаева.Считается, что если вложить ладонь в отпечаток, то начинает играть «музыка небесных сфер». В этот момент надо успеть загадать желание.
The monument Astana-Bayterek is considered a symbol and the main place of interest of Astana. Baytereu represents a high metal design with a huge sphere at top. Height of a construction makes 97 meters and marks about transfer of the capital from Almaty to Astana in 1997. The idea of construction belongs to the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev. At night the monument is effectively highlighted. In 2002 at opening of a monument, the president of Kazakhastan told: "Any who will rise here will absorb in himself steppe breadth of Kazakhstan and formidability of our state". To miss chance absorb in itself steppe breadth I couldn't in any way. I rise on the high-speed and silent elevator by height of 86 meters where there is a panoramic hall. From Bayterek's top the beautiful view of the city under construction, a view of an exhibition complex, a complex of office buildings and unfinished business quarters, a view of the residence of the president, the senate and the government, a view of the Ministry of Defence opens. In the center of the panoramic hall there is a wooden globe with 17 petals signed by 17 representatives of various world religions. Near the globe on a smart little table there is "a car of fulfillment of desires": in a copper hemisphere there is a mold of a palm of the president of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev. It is considered that if to enclose a palm in a print, then "music of heavenly spheres" begins to play. At this moment it is necessary to manage to make a wish.
Where I Want To Go
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page”. I absolutely agree with this quotation. I have always wanted to know more about the world, to see new places, to discover new sights, to learn more about different cultures. Luckily, my parents also like travelling, so each year during long summer vacations we pick one city or country to visit. If it was my turn to choose, I would pick Egypt, as I want to see one of the oldest constructions in the world – the pyramids and the sphinx. If I was an archaeologist, I would definitely try to find out more on how and when exactly they were built. There are so many myths about these sites that it is hard to know for sure which information is true. I know that the largest pyramid, the Pyramid of Khufu at Giza, is considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, which still exists. Speaking of the Great Sphinx, it is the oldest known monumental sculpture and the largest monolith statue in the world. How these attractions were built is a source of constant speculation and debate. Some say they were built by ancient Egyptians, while other researchers think that this tremendous amount of brute labor is beyond human power. It is believed that Egyptian Pyramids were built between 2589 BC and 2504 BC. They are now a visual testament to ancient planning and engineering. The Sphinx is associated with king Khafre, who ruled over 4,500 years ago. The Sphinx has a human head but the body of a lion and it was carved out of a huge white stone. I would really love to see these structures myself. There were other world wonders, such as the Hanging Gardens of Babylon or the Colossus of Rhodes, but none has lived up to present days.
1) Studing foreign languages is very important nowdays, people who are good at foreign languages have more job opportunities, can study abroad and travel without translator's help. It's hard for me to learn English sometimes, I have to know a lot words and rules, but it's so interesting. Reading books in English and watching original films help me to improve my skills, chating with people from other countries is useful too. I can give only one advice for people who begin to study English: practice practice and practice.Noone can learn the language without hard work.
2) I want to tell you about one wonderfull film. It is "untouchable". The type of film is tragicomedy, the main characters are played by François Cluzet  and Omar Sy.   The story of the friendship between the two who are very diffrent at the first sight, rich and poor, cripple and healthy, white and black(блин,это не пиши,но это ж очевидно как про это можно не упомянуть))), but these  two people are very important for each other and both of them help the other one. The ending of the film is very kind and make us to think a lot.The film has a deep idea and talanted actors done their work great. I strongly recommend this film for all people, it's not only for thinking, but it also full of good jokes. I'm totally sure that everyone will enjoy the film.

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