
Напишите на языке сочинение о любом фильме: о актёрах, о 10

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The movie, that I wanna tell about is called La-La-Land. It's a musical for dreamers. It takes place in Los Angeles. The most interesting thing about this film is that Ryan Gosling, who plays there, has never played piano before, but 2 weeks before the shoots, he has learned it really well. Love inspired actors and gave them confidence. This movie was nominated for 14 Oscars, but got only 6 of them. In my opinion musicals or jazz can be pleasant not to all, but this film is a powerful reminder about what real Hollywood atmosphere is. These is not two hundred-million blockbusters about superheroes, robots or operetta pirates, and movies in which entertainment and a show coexist with thin psychology and social analytics, and orientation to the gross audience doesn't contradict the intimate author's statement in any way.
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Ukrainian TraditionsУкраинские традицииEvery country has its own customs and traditions, which were formed over centuries. Ukrainian traditions are interesting and versatile. They mean a lot for local people. Even young people eagerly respect and follow them. National traditions determine the way people live: their language, religion, life values, relationships, even food and clothing. Like in many countries, traditions in Ukraine are closely connected with everyday life and the agricultural calendar. Ukrainians also have harvest songs for seasonal works, certain entertainments, ritual greetings and even superstitions. For example, local people believe that shaking hands in the doorway may bring misfortune, or sitting between two people with the same name brings luck. Ukrainians are family-oriented people. The origination and existence of the family is followed by many rituals and rules. For example, there are certain merry elements of formal marriage proposal, engagement and bachelorette party. The ceremony of marriage in Ukraine is called “veselye”, which literally means “fun”. Very often parents and even grandparents live with their children and help them to raise the kids. This tradition goes back to old times, when the majority of Ukrainians lived in villages. Poetic and mysterious is the Midsummer Night or the holiday of Ivana Kupala. Young girls, wearing flower wreaths, sing and dance in a ring. Afterwards, they put their wreaths into the water and watch their way. This ritual shows the girls’ future and fortune. Christmas night is also a good time for fortune-telling. Ukrainians are known for their hospitality. They like having guests over and for this occasion they put all the best food on the table.Каждая страна имеет свои обычаи и традиции, которые формировались на протяжении столетий. Украинские традиции интересны и разнообразны. Они много значат для местных жителей. Даже молодые люди уважают их и с радостью следуют им. Национальные традиции определяют образ жизни людей: их язык, религию, жизненные ценности, отношения, даже еду и стиль одежды. Как и во многих странах, традиции в Украине тесно связаны с повседневной жизнью и сельскохозяйственным календарем. Украинцы имеют свои песни для сбора урожая во время сезонных работ, определенные развлечения, ритуальные приветствия и даже суеверия. Например, местные жители считают, что рукопожатие в дверях – нехороший знак, а сидеть между двумя людьми с одинаковым именем к удаче. Украинцы – люди, ориентированные на семью. Становление и существование семьи сопровождается множеством ритуалов и правил. Например, существуют определенные забавные элементы официального предложения руки и сердца, сватовства и девичника. Церемония вступления в брак в Украине называется "весілля", что дословно переводится как "веселье". Зачастую родители и даже бабушки и дедушки живут со своими детьми, чтобы им воспитывать детей. Эта традиция восходит к былым временам, когда большинство украинцев жили в деревнях. Поэтическим и таинственным считается праздник Ивана Купала. Молодые девушки в цветочных венках поют и танцуют в хороводе. После этого они кладут свои венки на воду и наблюдают за ними. Этот ритуал показывает будущее и судьбу девушек. Рождественская ночь также хороша для гаданий. Украинцы славятся своим гостеприимством. Они любят принимать гостей и по этому случаю ставят на стол лучшую еду.
Neither breakfast nor its preperation usually takes much time. In Russia it’s not common to eat much for breakfast. A usual breakfast could include an omelette, sandwiches, corn flakes or something like that. But of course there are some traditional Russian dishes. For example sirniki. Sirniki is made from dough containing lots of cottage cheese and fried on a pan. They are usually served with sour cream and sugar. Blini and blinchiki are other common morning meals. Blini are practically the same as English pancakes. In Russia they are served with butter and sugar. Blinchiki are very thin blini. Of course they are made from other dough. The thinner the blinchiki are, the tastier they are. Besides there are blinchiki with stuffing. There is a plenty of different stuffing. For example blinchiki with cottage cheese, meat, jam. If you are in Russia on Maslenica (Shrovetide, Shrove Tuesday) you can try different kinds of blinchiki because on that holiday blinchiki are considered to be the main and necessary dish. Try blinchiki with caviar - the posh variant of the course. Russians really love caviar and serve it on many holidays.

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Anastasiya Yevseeva948