
Рассказ о себе что я и моя семья и мои друзья делаем в разное время года. каждый сезон как минимум 4 предложений.

Английский язык


In the summer, I and my family go to the street a lot. We go to the sea. It is especially good that summer is a summer vacation and therefore there is no need to study. In the summer we do a lot. In the spring, we also walk a lot, but do not really rest. In the spring it's not so cold and the poet can still play. In the spring, we mostly wait for the winter, as there will be more opportunities. But the study is already beginning and that's why we do not have much rest as in the summer.In the winter we rest as well as in the summer just the opposite. We ride in the snow and rest on it. But we still do not have much time and therefore we do not have much rest. In winter we are waiting for another season or summer.In the autumn the studies are continuing, but we are waiting for the winter, since the summer has passed. We also have a lot of walking and a little rest as in the spring. But in connection with studying again time is not so much, as for example in the summer. In autumn we mostly wait for winter or summer.

This tree looks strange

-Yes, it looks like it's about to fall

I'm afraid I don't know how to use this camera

-It's easy, I'll show you

-What would you like to drink - juice or Coca-Cola?

-Thank you, I'll be juice

- Anton decided what to do after school?

-Yes, everything is planned. He will rest for a few weeks and then start a programming course

-What do we have for lunch?

- I do not know. I can't decide

"Come on." Hurry up, make a decision

-Okay, we'll take the chicken

-We need bread for lunch

- Yes? I'll go to the store and buy. Jane, I'm going for bread. You need something


People do usually say that nature is our mother. It gives a person everything that is necessary for life, even though we don't always appreciate its gifts. What could be better than the warm sun, majestic mountains, and blooming trees in the spring? The world of nature is very rich and varied. There are hundreds of thousands of species, many of which we've never seen in our life.

We all used to live in a world that seems to be built by ourselves. We live in big houses equipped with high-tech consumer devices; we are able to travel long distances using cars, trains, and planes. We are able to know what is happening thousands of miles away, over the Internet or television. But all of this is secondary. We use the knowledge of the laws of nature and its power to create all these technologies anyway.

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Рассказ о себе что я и моя семья и мои друзья делаем в разное время года. каждый сезон как минимум 4 предложений.
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