
Переведите текст правильно every human being begins life as a single cell, a fertilized egg, by the time reachers adulthood, the body consists of 100 trillion cells. the cell is a fundamental component ol all living thing. as cells deteriorate , people age. as cells malfunction, people get sick. if cells were better understood, people might live longer and stay healthier. and thanks to a recent series of extraordinary breakthroughs, scientists arc beginning to leam more about them. one of the molecular biologists says that we are on the verge of a revolution in the understanding of cells. scientists discovered three centuries ago that living things contain cells, but only in the last three decades have they begun to piece together the puzzle of how cells operate . they know a few fundamental things: every single adult cell (except ova and sperm) contains the same set genes as the original cell. still cells come in all shapes, sizes and functions: slim nerve cells more than 3 feet long and about 1 forty-thousandth of an inch wide: transmit impulses between the limbs and the brain: red blood cells 3 ten-thousandth of an inch in a diameter cany life - giving oxygen around the body. but researchers remain baffled by arcane chemical mechanism that enables particular genes in different cells to switch themselves on and off perform differently in varying circumstances . each of those trillion cells functions like a walled city. power plants generate the cell's energy. factories produce proteins, vital units of chemical commerce . complex transportation systems guide specific chemicals from point to point within the cell and beyond. sentries at the barricades control the export and import markets, and monitor the outside world for signs of danger. disciplined biolojgical armies stand ready to grapple with invaders. a centralized genetic government maintains order. toxic garbane. cells occasionally go wrong. recycling systems can break down, overloading the cells with their own toxic garbage the result is the fatal tay-sachs disease, or some similarly horrendous genetic ailment. confused by erroneous information, internal factories can add many chemicals to an already abundant supple that they eventually flood the whole body: the resulting accumulations of cholesterol lead directly to cardiovascular disease. a breardown in communications between the nuclei of cells and their outer borders can produce the unrestricted growth that causes cancer. even if they operate smoothly, normal cells eventual succumb to old age -the process of biological decay that alters the cells and kills organism of which they for the basic units. biologists think they eventually can treat many of defects by turning the intricate machinery in each cell to the patient's advantage. for instance . chemicals find their way to appropriate places in the cells through what scientists call *‘zip: ' code". to overcome genetic diseases that leave cells bereft of vital chemicals , biologists might manufacture the chemicals in a test tube, attach the proper chemical address to them, and inject them into the dody- knowing that they will end up where they will do the most good. similarly, to treat certain forms of cancer, scientists are learning to manufacture digestive sacs within the cells known as lysosomes . a cell ordinarily will reject many poisons . but if a drug-intended to poison a cancerous cell-is disguised with food, it might be accepted by the cell and released by the lysosomes .

Английский язык


Каждое человеческое существо начинает свою жизнь с одной клетки, оплодотворенной яйцеклетки, к тому времени, морские пучины совершеннолетия, тело состоит из 100 триллионов клеток. Клетка является основным компонентом ол все живое. Как клетки изнашиваются , люди стареют. Как клетки неисправность, люди болеют. Если клетки были лучше поняты, люди могли бы жить дольше и оставаться здоровыми. И благодаря недавней серии прорывы в науке, ученые дуги начинают Лим больше о них. Одним из молекулярных биологов говорит, что мы находимся на пороге революции в понимании клеток.Ученые открыли три столетия назад, что живые организмы содержат клетки, но только в последние три десятилетия они начали собрать воедино пазл о том, как клетки работают . Они знать несколько основных вещей: каждый взрослый клетки (за исключением яйцеклеток и сперматозоидов) содержит тот же набор генов, как исходной ячейки. Все клетки приходят на всех форм, размеров и функций: тонкий нервных клеток больше, чем 3 фута в длину и около 1 сорок тысячных дюйма широкий: передают импульсы между конечностями и мозгом: эритроциты 3 десятитысячной дюйма в диаметре д живительный кислород по всему телу. Но исследователи до сих пор не знают механизм тайной химии, что позволяет определенных генов в разных клетках, чтобы переключить себя дальше и работают по-разному в различных обстоятельствах .Каждый из этих триллионов клеток функционирует, как окруженный стеной город. Электростанции генерируют энергию в клетке. Фабрики вырабатывают белки, жизненно важные единиц химического торговли . Сложных транспортных систем руководство конкретных химических веществ, от точки до точки внутри клетки и за ее пределами. Часовые на баррикадах контроль за экспортом и импортом рынках, и следить за окружающим миром в поисках признаков опасности. Дисциплинированный biolojgical армии готовы бороться с оккупантами. Централизованное генетических правительство поддерживает порядок.Токсичные garbane. Клетки иногда пойти не так. Системы утилизации могут сломаться, что приводит к перегрузке клеток со своими токсичные отходы в результате смертельную болезнь Тея-Сакса, или каким-то чудовищные генетические болезни. Смущает ошибочной информации, внутренних заводов могут добавить много химикатов, чтобы уже в изобилии эластичной, что они в конечном итоге затопит все тело: в результате скопления холестерина непосредственно привести к сердечно-сосудистым заболеваниям. В breardown в связи между ядрами клеток и их внешних границах может произвести неограниченного роста, что вызывает рак. Даже если они работают слаженно, нормальные клетки возможной поддаваться старости -процесс биологического разложения, который изменяет клетки и убивает организм, который они для основных узлов.Биологи думают, что они в конечном итоге могут лечить многие дефекты, поворачивая сложных машин в каждой ячейке в пользу пациента. Например . химикаты находят свой путь на соответствующие места в клетках через то, что ученые называют *‘ЗИП:' код". Чтобы побороть генетические заболевания, которые покидают клетки лишены жизненно важных химических веществ , биологи могут производить химические вещества в пробирке, придаем надлежащий химический обратиться к ним, и ввести их в доди - зная, что они будут в конечном итоге, где они будут делать самые хорошие. Аналогичным образом, для лечения некоторых форм рака, ученые изучают на производство пищеварительных сзк в клетки, известные как лизосомы . Клетки обычно будут отвергать многие яды . Но если Лекарство-цель отравить раковая клетка-это замаскированный с пищей, оно может быть принято в клетке и выпущенный лизосомами .

junk food=fast food


dear Josh,

as you know ,junk food is very popular nowadays.It's cheap and tasty, but there are a lot of disadvantages of eating such food,for example , you'll get fat because of the large amount of calories , besides if you eat fast food very often you'll have stomach ache and other illnesses. By the way, if you want to be in a good shape you should eat only healthuy food such as:vegetables, meat and fruit.

Well,i think if you want to be healthy ,strong , keep fit and do not want to spoil your health, you  won't eat to much junk food and drink harmful drinks and you'll lead a healthy lifestyle.

I was in my grandmother's village. There were many children and I played with they. We played football and basketball.
My grandmother cooked pencakes every moning. She has one cat. Its name is Jack. And two dogs. Its name is Holly and Monny. I playad with them all the time.(50)
Oneday my frends and I went to the fishing and Holly, Monny and Jack went with us. We catch many fish. Then we were slept. But Jack didn't sleep. He ate all fish and run away. When we got up we saw that there was no fish. I remembed that Jack had been with us, but he wasn't with us that moment. After this problem I didn't play with Jack three days.
I like my grandmother's village!(127)
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Переведите текст правильно every human being begins life as a single cell, a fertilized egg, by the time reachers adulthood, the body consists of 100 trillion cells. the cell is a fundamental component ol all living thing. as cells deteriorate , people age. as cells malfunction, people get sick. if cells were better understood, people might live longer and stay healthier. and thanks to a recent series of extraordinary breakthroughs, scientists arc beginning to leam more about them. one of the molecular biologists says that we are on the verge of a revolution in the understanding of cells. scientists discovered three centuries ago that living things contain cells, but only in the last three decades have they begun to piece together the puzzle of how cells operate . they know a few fundamental things: every single adult cell (except ova and sperm) contains the same set genes as the original cell. still cells come in all shapes, sizes and functions: slim nerve cells more than 3 feet long and about 1 forty-thousandth of an inch wide: transmit impulses between the limbs and the brain: red blood cells 3 ten-thousandth of an inch in a diameter cany life - giving oxygen around the body. but researchers remain baffled by arcane chemical mechanism that enables particular genes in different cells to switch themselves on and off perform differently in varying circumstances . each of those trillion cells functions like a walled city. power plants generate the cell's energy. factories produce proteins, vital units of chemical commerce . complex transportation systems guide specific chemicals from point to point within the cell and beyond. sentries at the barricades control the export and import markets, and monitor the outside world for signs of danger. disciplined biolojgical armies stand ready to grapple with invaders. a centralized genetic government maintains order. toxic garbane. cells occasionally go wrong. recycling systems can break down, overloading the cells with their own toxic garbage the result is the fatal tay-sachs disease, or some similarly horrendous genetic ailment. confused by erroneous information, internal factories can add many chemicals to an already abundant supple that they eventually flood the whole body: the resulting accumulations of cholesterol lead directly to cardiovascular disease. a breardown in communications between the nuclei of cells and their outer borders can produce the unrestricted growth that causes cancer. even if they operate smoothly, normal cells eventual succumb to old age -the process of biological decay that alters the cells and kills organism of which they for the basic units. biologists think they eventually can treat many of defects by turning the intricate machinery in each cell to the patient's advantage. for instance . chemicals find their way to appropriate places in the cells through what scientists call *‘zip: ' code". to overcome genetic diseases that leave cells bereft of vital chemicals , biologists might manufacture the chemicals in a test tube, attach the proper chemical address to them, and inject them into the dody- knowing that they will end up where they will do the most good. similarly, to treat certain forms of cancer, scientists are learning to manufacture digestive sacs within the cells known as lysosomes . a cell ordinarily will reject many poisons . but if a drug-intended to poison a cancerous cell-is disguised with food, it might be accepted by the cell and released by the lysosomes .
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