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Английский язык



1. Chocolate - шоколад

2. Omelette - омлет  

3. Cucumber - огурец  

4. Vegetable - овощ  

5. Cornflakes - кукурузные хлопья

Вставь недостающие буквы так, чтобы получились слова, обозначающие еду c и 8 пропущенных букв; 6 про

1.Leonardo da Vinci was an artist and engineer. He is best known for his paintings, notably the Mona Lisa. As i see in the pictures, Leonardo Da Vinci was a very creative and smart person.


1. prototype

2.falling into the wrong hands

3. to come up with the idea

4.capable of




8.ahead of his time


1.Leonardo da Vinci was a scientist, engineer, and inventor.

2.The world find out about his inventions when his notebook were discovered long time after his death.

3.Yes, his invention appear to be usefull, even in recent years engineers have begun to contruct models of da Vinci's machines and most of them actually work.

4.No, it wasn't.

5.Ornithoper was to be lifted and operated by flapping wings which in turn would be powered by muscle energy.

6.Da Vinci's robot was capable to move without human help.

7.No. It isn't. Da Vinci's machine gun was meant to fire bullets from individual guns that were connected in three rows with reach row containing 11 guns.

8.The components of Da Vinci's divins suit are: a jacket; pants and helmet with inbuild glass goggles; and a breathing tube that supplied air from the surface,

9.Yes. The first prototype of the tank was developed by L.da Vinci more than 500 years before the World War 1



The bank transfered) the money an hour ago. 2. did you meet) any

interesting people at the holiday camp? 3. She had not a holiday for two years.

4. Did You enjoy) Mary's singing? 5. Where did you buy) these lovely gloves?

6. Why did you shut your book? Please open it again. 7. I hear you have just got

married. When the ceremony took place? 8. Old George (has not been here for years.

9. A few month ago pulled down some old houses in our street and began)

to build a new block of flats. 10. Do you remember her name, or you forgot it? 11)My father knows so much because he has travelled ) a lot. 12. I have just come home.

13. I have never been) to Washington. 14. Alex met) his friend two hours ago.

15. The weather has changed), and I can not go for a walk. 16

Why did you shut your

book? Please open it again. 17. I heard you have just got married. When the ceremony

(took place? 18. We have just stopped the taxi. 19. Boris fished in the lake on

Tuesday. 20. Thomas sailed to this island

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