Напиши сколько у тебя комнат, и я что нибудь придумаю, но пока что:
I have got a family. There are 5 family members in it. We have a huge house. It consists if bricks and stone. I'm really glad to see how it looks. It shapes rectangular and look like very good. There are 5 rooms. These are 2 bedrooms, 2 living rooms and kitchen. I dont know about everyone, but I decorated my room myself. There is a wardrobe, bed, chair, and table. The walls are red and the floor is wooden. I have a balcony and I can get to the roof by my balcony. It's really cool to have your flat.
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Укажите верный вариант the boxer and almost fell when his opponent hit him 1)scrambled2)shattered3)staggered4)stammered