
Переведите на язык, употребляя passive voice 1. им уже вручили призы? 2. на протяжении года тут выращивали овощи и фрукты. 3. ковры всё ещё чистят. 4. инструкции прочитали и обговорили. 5. она сказала, что чек потерян. 6. нам сказали что все варианты ответов были предложены. 7. в этом отеле останавливается много знаменитых людей. 8. ваше предложение нельзя забыть. 9. преступника необходимо найти. 10. кровать в твоей комнате ещё не застелена. 11. нас заметили сразу. 12. почему списки ещё не составлены? 13. я думаю, что товары завтра не доставят. 14. эти картины можно увидеть в музее современной живописи. 15. когда я зашёл в кабине, этот вопрос всё ещё обсуждали. 16. в этом журнале печатают интересные статьи. 17. моего друга назначили директором школы. 18. эту песню поют все. 19. мы думали, что нас пригласят на собрание. 20. я спросил сестру, написано ли письмо.

Английский язык


1 Have they already been awarded the prizes?
2.Vegetables and fruits were being grown there during the year.
3 The carpets are still being cleaned.
4. The instructions were read and discussed.
5. She said that the receipt was(had been) lost.
6. We were told that all the answers were (had been)given.
7. A lot of famous people are stayed in this hotel.
8. Your offer must not be forgotten.
9. The criminal must be found.
10. A bed hasn`t been made in your room yet.
11. We were noticed at once.
12. Why haven`t the lists been drawn up yet?
13. I think the goods will not be delivered tomorrow.
14. These paintings can be seen at the Museum of Modern Art.
15. When I entered the study, this issue was still being discussed.
16. Very interesting articles are printed in this magazine.
17. My friend was appointed to be the headmaster of the school.
18. This song is sung by everyone.
19. We thought that we would be invited to the meeting
20. I asked my sister if the letter had been written.
1.They have already awarded the prizes
2. During the year there were grown vegetables and fruits.
4. Instructions read and discussed
5. She said that the check is lost
6. We were told that all answers have been proposed
7. Rooms are serviced by a lot of famous people
8. Your offer must not be forgotten
9. The offender must be found
10. A bed in your room is not carpeted
11. We noticed right away
12. Why the list has not been drawn yet
13. I think that the goods tomorrow will not deliver
14. These paintings can be seen at the Museum of modern art
15. When I went to the cab, this issue is still discussed
16. The journal printed a very interesting article
17. My friend was appointed Director of the school
18. This song is performed by all
19. We thought that we will be invited to the meeting
20. I asked my sister, written a letter
I would like to write about my best friend Alex
Alex lives next to me and our parents are good friends. We first met on my mom’s birthday party three years ago. Since then we see each other almost every day.

Alex is one year older. He is fond of tennis very much. He plays tennis since childhood and he even won some tournaments. Maybe once he will become a professional player. Alex is very clever, honest and friendly. He likes to read books and watch films, that’s why it’s always interesting to talk to him. We usually discuss our favorite characters and most exciting actions. Also we both like to ride the bicycle and to listen to music so we are never bored together. I think it’s very important to have common hobbies with a friend.

I’m sure that we both are willing to help each other in need. Alex usually explains me mathematics when I don’t understand something. He visits me when I’m ill. He never envies me. I know that I can trust my best friend. As for me, I also try to do my best to be a good friend for him too. I’m happy to have such a good friend.

SORRY,but i have to go now.Ihave to go a lot of home work
Best wishes,
In the morning, Holden negotiates a meeting with Sally Hayes, his acquaintance. He leaves the hotel, delivers the suitcases to the storage room and begins the life of the homeless. He hangs around the cold streets of the big city, then goes along with Sally to the theater. But here he is disappointed: the play seems to him stupid, the audience - a nightmare; The companion also annoys him. And soon there is a quarrel. After the play, Holden and Sally go skating, and here the hero gives vent to the feelings that overflow his soul. He tells the girl about his hatred for everything that irritates him: people, their conversations, deeds ... But the girl does not share his point of view. As a result, they quarrel, and Sally runs away in tears.
The same evening, Holden gets drunk, then wanders alone in the park alone, and it is near the pond with ducks that he drops and breaks the plate bought as a gift to Phoebe's sister. Returning home, the hero finds the house of one Phoebe and hands her fragments from the plate. But the girl is not even angry. Holden talks to her and talks about her dream: "I imagine how little children play in the evening in a huge field in the rye. Thousands of kids, and not a soul around, not one adult, except me ... And my business is to catch kids so they do not break into the abyss. "
Holden lends money to her sister and goes to her former teacher, Mr. Antolini. He arranges it for the night, and in the middle of the night Holden wakes up because the teacher is stroking his forehead. Suspected the teacher of bad intentions, Holden leaves his house. And when he realizes that the teacher had no reason to suspect, he finds an even greater yearning for him.
Holden does not know what to do, and decides to go to the West. He sends Phoebe a note where he asks her to come to the agreed place. Holden wants to return her borrowed money from her. But his little sister appears with a suitcase and declares that he will go to the West with his brother. Cold is touched by her deed. He leads her to the zoo and admires her when she rolls on the carousel. Neither Holden nor Phoebe will not go anywhere.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Переведите на язык, употребляя passive voice 1. им уже вручили призы? 2. на протяжении года тут выращивали овощи и фрукты. 3. ковры всё ещё чистят. 4. инструкции прочитали и обговорили. 5. она сказала, что чек потерян. 6. нам сказали что все варианты ответов были предложены. 7. в этом отеле останавливается много знаменитых людей. 8. ваше предложение нельзя забыть. 9. преступника необходимо найти. 10. кровать в твоей комнате ещё не застелена. 11. нас заметили сразу. 12. почему списки ещё не составлены? 13. я думаю, что товары завтра не доставят. 14. эти картины можно увидеть в музее современной живописи. 15. когда я зашёл в кабине, этот вопрос всё ещё обсуждали. 16. в этом журнале печатают интересные статьи. 17. моего друга назначили директором школы. 18. эту песню поют все. 19. мы думали, что нас пригласят на собрание. 20. я спросил сестру, написано ли письмо.
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