my country. I would like to do people's life better. I would like to get homes for the people who
don't have homes or give money to people to buy homes. I would build plants and factories to
give people work. I would help to create more jobs and help to improve our economy I would
build a lot of hospitals in my country. Health care service would be free in my country. I would
strengthen our educational system. I would build new schools, new gyms, and cinemas in my
country. I would like to make my country very beautiful. Every person must be happy in my
country. He must have a well paid job, his home, family, and children. He must be healthy and
educated. So If I were the president I would like to do everything to make all people happy in my
country. I know it is difficult but I would do my bestПоделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Проверьте правильно или нет выполнено ? i. перепишите предложения, подчеркните в каждом из нихглагол-сказуемое, определите его видовременную форму и залог. переведите предложения. 1.he was born in stockholm on october 21, 1833 but moved to russia with his parents in 1842. 2.he has gone bankrupt. 3.they were inventing a new device. 4.most of the family went back to sweden in 1859. 1. was born - past indenfinite active, от глагола to be born; moved-past indenfinite active, от глагола to move. 2.has gone - present perfect active, от глагола to go bankrup 3.were inventing - past progressive active, от глагола to be inventing 4.went back -past indenfinite active, от глагола to go bask
1. to be born - это пассивный залог. Past Simple (indefinite). born - это причастие или прилагательное - Он был рожден, а не Он родил
2. опечатка bankrupt
3. от глагола to invent. который здесь стоит в форме Past Progressive (Continuous)
4. опечатка back