
Найдите ошибки в письме (число ошибок в данных предложениях показано в скобках) dear chris, thanks for your letter. i am really sorry i didn't write back earlier, but i have only just got back from holiday. i went with three friends to a little place called mojacar which is near of almeria, but it wasn't exactly that we expected (2)! we booked some rooms in hotel in the village, but when we arrived to the hotel, we were very disappointing (3 it was very old, rather dirty and we couldn't to see the sea (1). so, we decided change (1). the next hotel was perfectly (1). it was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool i ever seen (3). but it was one problem - it was so much expensive (2)! we stay one night, but then there was time to change again (2)! on the end we found the beautiful apartment with a balcony and it was cheap (2). unfortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left (1)! anyway, i must go and unpack my suitcase! i will write again soon. love, natalia.

Английский язык


В предложении " It was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool I ever seen" (3). Нашла только одну ошибку вместо трех.
Найдите ошибки в письме (число ошибок в данных предложениях показано в скобках) dear chris, thanks f
Music plays an important role in my life. I simply can’t live without music. When I’m sad I listen to alternative music or rock. When I’m in good mood I listen to either hip-hop or dance music. At the moment my favourite band is “Linkin Park”. I love their songs and listen to them every time I get a spare minute. The reason why I like them is the unusual melody and intelligent texts. The band was formed in 1996 and was named after one of Californian parks. There are six people in the band. The most talented of all is Chester Bennington. Although I like all their songs and albums, my favourite one if “Skin to Bone”. Their songs follow different styles. Some songs refer to rock, some – to alternative style, others – to metal. Speaking of British music, I enjoy one of the oldest and non-existent now bands – “The Beatles”. I think their music will never die as it’s legendary. To sum up, I’d like to say that music can influence people. It can inspire and enrich them. It can remind of some places and times. Music is not only another art form but a powerful force, which helps us to live.
Мой любимый певец всех времен и народов является Ани Лорак. Она является довольно популярной певицей в России и Украине и в целом во всем мире. Что я больше всего в ней нравится это ее красивый голос. Ани Лорак-высокая красивая женщина с длинными темными волосами. Она участвовала во многих песенных конкурсах; Российская телевизионная программа «Утренняя звезда» принесла известность молодой певице Ани. Она также заняла второе место на Евровидение-2008, представляя Украину. Актриса занимается общественной деятельностью. У нее есть хорошие песни.

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Найдите ошибки в письме (число ошибок в данных предложениях показано в скобках) dear chris, thanks for your letter. i am really sorry i didn't write back earlier, but i have only just got back from holiday. i went with three friends to a little place called mojacar which is near of almeria, but it wasn't exactly that we expected (2)! we booked some rooms in hotel in the village, but when we arrived to the hotel, we were very disappointing (3 it was very old, rather dirty and we couldn't to see the sea (1). so, we decided change (1). the next hotel was perfectly (1). it was very clean and it had the biggest swimming pool i ever seen (3). but it was one problem - it was so much expensive (2)! we stay one night, but then there was time to change again (2)! on the end we found the beautiful apartment with a balcony and it was cheap (2). unfortunately, we only had four days of our holiday left (1)! anyway, i must go and unpack my suitcase! i will write again soon. love, natalia.
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