
My friend 2.1. took me to a restaurant works in a big shop 2.2. is in the centre of the city. the restaurant 2.3. we had lunch was very modern. the food 2. they served was excellent. the waiters 2.5. shirts were silk were always busy with the customers. 2.1 a) whoseb) whichc) who 2.2 a) which b) where c) who 2.3 a) which b) where c) who 2.4 a) which b) where c) who 2.5 a) which b) where c) whose

Английский язык


2.1 C
2.2 A
2.3 B
2.4 A
2.5 C
To make а prawn salad you will need 200g of king prawns, 300g of spinach, a tomato, a large cucumber, an egg, half a lemon, two cloves of garlic, roasted cashew nuts, bacon, rye bread and seasoning. 

First of all, you will need to prepare the bread and bacon. Take two slices of bread and cut them into 1 cm cubes, drizzle them in olive oil and place into the pre-heated oven to roast for 10 minutes. Along with the bread, also put three slices of bacon in the oven. 
While the bread and the bacon is cooking in the oven, prepare the rest of the ingredients. Boil the egg in a pan for 10 minutes, cut the tomato and the cucumber into bite-size pieces and wash the spinach. 
Then pre-heat a frying pan, place some butter on it and throw in finely chopped garlic. Cook garlic on low heat for two minutes then add the prawns into the pan. Sprinkle some salt, pepper and chilli flakes on top and squeeze out the lemon. Cook the prawns for 4 minutes. 
To assemble the salad, place spinach (make sure it's dry), cucumber, tomato, sliced bacon, bread and prawns into a bowl. Then to season the salad, pour the liquid left in the frying pan after cooking the prawns into the bowl. Mix well, add more salt and pepper if needed and sprinkle some roasted cashew nuts  and place the egg cut into wadges on top. Bon appetite!


Чтобы приготовить салат с креветками, вам понадобится 200 г королевских креветок, 300 г шпината, помидор, большой огурец, яйцо, половина лимона, два зубчика чеснока, жаренные орехи кешью, бекон, ржаной хлеба и приправы.
Прежде всего, вам нужно будет приготовить хлеб и бекон. Возьмите два ломтика хлеба и разрежьте их на кубики в 1см, полейте на них оливковок масло и поместите в предварительно нагретую духовку для поджарки на 10 минут. Наряду с хлебом, также положить три куска бекона в духовку.В то время как хлеб и бекон готовятся в духовке, подготовьте остальные ингредиенты. Сварите яйцо в кастрюле 10 минут, нарежьте помидор и огурец на кусочки и вымойте шпинат.Затем на предварительно нагретую сковороду, положите немного сливочного масла и закиньте мелко нарезанный чеснок. Готовьте чеснок на медленном огне в течение двух минут, затем добавьте креветки в сковороду. Посыпьте сверху соль, перец и хлопья чили и выдавите лимон. Готовьте креветки в течение 4 минут.Чтобы собрать салат, поместите шпинат (убедитесь, что он сухой), огурец, помидор, нарезанный бекон, хлеб и креветки в миску. Затем, чтобы заправить салат, вылейте в миску оставшуюся жидкость из сковородки в которой готовились креветки. Хорошо перемешайте, добавьте больше соли и перца, если это необходимо, и посыпьте немного жареных орехов кешью и сверху положите яйцо, порезанное дольками. Приятного аппетита!


1) Jane has already finished school. She is at the university.

2) They saw this building last year.

3) My friend will visit me next week, l think.

4) Have you read this book yet?

5) Joe didn't buy a car yesterday.


They have already bought a car.

1) общий: Have they already bought a car?

2) разделительный: They have already bought a car, haven't they?

3) альтернативный: Have they already bought a car or a bike?

4) специальный: What have they already bought?

5) к подлежащему: Who has already bought a car?

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

My friend 2.1. took me to a restaurant works in a big shop 2.2. is in the centre of the city. the restaurant 2.3. we had lunch was very modern. the food 2. they served was excellent. the waiters 2.5. shirts were silk were always busy with the customers. 2.1 a) whoseb) whichc) who 2.2 a) which b) where c) who 2.3 a) which b) where c) who 2.4 a) which b) where c) who 2.5 a) which b) where c) whose
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