
Переведите. few holidays tell us as much of the past as halloween. its origins date back hundreds of years to the druid festival of samhain, lord of rhe dead and prince of darkness, who according to celtic belief gathered up the souls of all those who had died during the year to present them to druid heaven on october 31.

Английский язык


Немногие праздники говорят нам о как о Хэллоуине. Его истоки восходят сотни лет к фестивалю друидов Самхайна, Господа мертвых и Князя тьмы, которые, согласно кельтской вере, собрали души всех тех, кто умер в течение года, чтобы представить их на Небеса друидов 31 октября .
Сильвестр Щедрин   (1791-1830) Мастер русского пейзажного романтизма и лирического осмысления природы. Полностью отдавшись романтике пейзажа и природной среде восприятия, Щедрин как бы восполняет своими картинами, упавший интерес художников того времени к пейзажу. Щедрин познал рассвет своего творчества и признания. Закончив Академию художеств в Санкт Петербурге, в 1818 г. приехал в Италию и прожил более 10 лет, в Риме, Неаполе, Амальфи и в Соренто где провел свои последние месяцы жизни. На более сорока его картинах Щедрин изобразил виды окрестности Соренто, при встрече на улицах города Сорентийцы его ласково приветствовали Дон Сильвестро. Очень много работал с натуры, заслужил невероятную по тем временам популярность у итальянцев желавших купить его картины, иногда приходилось писать много копий своих наиболее удачных работ, которые быстро раскупались. Его знаменитые работы Новый Рим "Замок святого ангела", Набережная Мерджеллина в Неаполе, Большая гавань на острове Капри и др. Прожив недолгую но насыщенную творчеством жизнь, Щедрин так и не смог вернуться в Россию. Великолепные итальянские пейзажи отразили всю уникальную красоту природы этого края, представлявшаяся многим русским художникам райским местом - землей обетованной.
Sylvester Shchedrin artist (1791-1830) Master of Russian landscape romantic and lyrical reflection of nature. Completely surrendering to the romanticism of the landscape and natural environment perception, Shchedrin like fills his paintings, fallen interest of artists of that time to the landscape. Shchedrin knew the dawn of his creativity and recognition. Having graduated from the Academy of arts in St. Petersburg in 1818, came to Italy and lived for more than 10 years, in Rome, Naples, Amalfi and Sorrento where he spent his last months of life. For more than forty his paintings Shchedrin depicted views of the surroundings Sorrento, at the meeting on the streets of the city Сорентийцы him kindly welcomed don Silvestro. Worked a lot with nature, has earned incredible on those days the popularity of the Italians wanted to buy his paintings, sometimes we had to write a lot of copies of his most successful works, which quickly sold out. His famous works as the " New Rome "Castel Sant'angelo", Quay of Mergellina in Naples, the Grand harbour on the island of Capri etc. having Lived a short but rich creativity of life, Shchedrin and could not return to Russia. Excellent Italian landscapes reflected all the unique beauty of the nature of this region, представлявшаяся many Russian artists Paradise - promised land.
1.Birds can be found on all continents except Antarctica.
2.Contrary to popular belief, rabbits are not vegetarians — they are willing to eat meat.
3.In addition, rabbits are not as harmless as it seems. Their powerful hind legs with sharp claws, a terrible weapon. Although, of course, rabbit nature is such that to protect the hare is only being pushed into a corner, otherwise it will be the last to try to escape from danger.
4.Everywhere where there are hares. they are hunted, and are not extinct they are still only because a very active breed.
5.Hares communicate with each other, beating its front paws drumming.
6.Contrary to well-established nickname "slash"er, cross-eyed rabbits do not suffer. Oblique hare called hunters because of its winding Jogging and habits to confuse the trail.
7.By the way, so you have to run hares while running, not just their left and right hind legs asymmetrical from birth.
8.Running away from danger, hares, however, do not leave the territory, which is considered his.
9.During the run, the hares are capable of speeds up to seventy miles per hour.
10.In case you need to descend quickly down the hillside the hare can do it, having fallen in the manner of a bun.
11.Female rabbits live on average almost twice as long as males.


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Переведите. few holidays tell us as much of the past as halloween. its origins date back hundreds of years to the druid festival of samhain, lord of rhe dead and prince of darkness, who according to celtic belief gathered up the souls of all those who had died during the year to present them to druid heaven on october 31.
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