
Сочинение 10-15 предложений! про любую профессию на

Английский язык


I want to tell you about the profession of a doctor. The doctor heals people. Gives them advice. When a person has something that hurts, he always goes to the doctor to solve this problem. The doctor always helps a person to solve his health problem. They do not have to be afraid because they do not want to hurt us, but they want to help us. There are many doctors. For example: an occultist, a pediatrician, a mammologist, a physiotherapist. Every person goes to the doctor who can solve his problem.
Я хочу рассказать вам о священной и древней профессии. Это врач. Каждый из нас обращался к «целителю» за В связи с ростом численности человеческой популяции естественный отбор нарушается. Все «старые» вирусы, которые мы знали в детстве, мутировали.

Говорят, что ветрянка имеет как минимум два штамма и так далее. Стабилизирующий отбор направлен на сокращение популяции. И тогда, в борьбу между жизнью и смертью вступает врач.

Смертность трудо населения, за исключением случаев, несовместимых с жизнью, на 80 % зависит от качества медицинской Очень важно, чтобы все врачи были профессионалами, но, к сожалению, мы встречаем случаи неквалифицированности везде. Я надеюсь, что виновные будут наказаны, а достойные вознаграждены. Ведь кому как не им мы можем доверять?

Итак, кто такой врач? Врач – это человек, готовый посвятить себя служению людям.  Он берет на себя ответственность за жизнь человека. Профессия врача –  одна из самых благородных, гуманных и необходимых профессий на Земле. 

I want to tell you about a sacred and ancient profession. This is a physician. Each of us has asked the " healer " for help. In connection with the growth of human population, the natural selection is broken. All "old" viruses, which we used to know in childhood, have mutated.

Somebody says that chickenpox has at least two strains and etc. Stabilizing selection aims to reduce the population. And then it is the physician who enters the fight between life and death.

Mortality of the working population, except incompatible with life, depends on 80% of the quality of care. It is important that all doctors should be professionals, but, unfortunately, we find the unqualified somewhere. I hope that the perpetrators will be punished and the worthy will be rewarded. Whom shall we trust if not them?

So, who is the physician?The physician is a person willing to devote himself or herself to serving other people. He takes responsibility for human life. The medical profession is one of the most noble, humane, and necessary trades on Earth.
My native city is Rostov-on-Don. It is the capital of the Don area. It was founded in 1749. It is situated on the right bank of the river Don.

In the past Rostov was a small town with small population. But now the territory of Rostov-on-Don is 380 square kilometres and the population is more than one million people.

Our city is a big industrial, scientific and cultural centre in the South of Russia. The plant “Rostselmash” is known not only in our country but abroad as well.

The largest scientific and educational establishment is the Rostov State University, which was founded in 1915 and now has more then ten faculties.

In Rostov there are four theatres: Gorky Drama Theatre, Musical Comedy, Puppet Show, Theatre of Young Spectators. The Gorky Theatre is surrounded by a large park named after the October Revolution. It is one of many parks and gardens which make Rostov a green town and where Rostovites like to walk on a nice sunny day.

During the Second World War Rostov-on-Don was occupied twice (1941 and 1942). The war cost Rostovites huge losses in life. That is why in the city there are a lot of monuments devoted to the war years and people who gave their lives for our peaceful life.

Rostov-on-Don is a large transport centre. It is not only a big knot of railways and airways but it is also the port of five seas (the Baltic, the White, the Caspian, the Black and the Sea of Asov).

Nowadays Rostov-on-Don as many other cities and villages in Russia is undergone the process of economical changes. But we hope that in some years people will be able to overpass all the difficulties and Rostov-on-Don will occupy its place of one of the biggest industrial cities of Russia.
1. Has he bought a new bike? He hans't bought a new bike.
2. Have I sent a letter to my friend? I haven't sent a letter to my friend.
3. Has she made a very bad mistake? She hasn't made a very bad mistake.
4. Have the children gone to bed? The children haven't gone to bed.
5. Have I seen a mouse in the kitchen? I haven't seen a mouse in the kitcen.
6. Have we met our business partners? We hanven't met our business partners.
7. Have I lost my student identity card? I havent' lost my student identity card.
8. Have they cleaned their rooms? They haven't  cleaned their rooms.
9. Have the tourists visited the National Gallery? The tourists haven't visited the National Gallery.
10. Has the teacher checked our tests? The teacher hasn't cheked our tests.
11. Has Harry broked his car? Harry hasn't broken his car.
12. Have I forgotten his phone number? I haven't forgotten his phone numer.
13. Have they left for Rome? They haven't left for Rome.
14. Has Mary seen this film? Mary hans't seen this film.
15. Have we read this detective story? We haven't read this detective story.
16. Has he taken my credit card? He hasn't taken my credit card.

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