
1. стіл був накритий вчасно. 2. коли роботу закінчили, тебе хвалили. 3. соба- ку залишили в саду. 4. капелюх забули у гардеробі. 5. мені дали книгу. 6. скрип- ку знайшли на шафі. 7. це обговорювалося на зборах. 8. вчора курчат не годували. 9. прийом був організований добре. 10. не було чути ні звуку. 11. двері були зламані. 12. що можна було з цим зробити? 13. вікно було вимито вчора. 14. на запитання ніх- то не відповів. 15. книгу було написано у червні. 16. рибу було приготовлено чудово. 17. будинок був побудований з каменю. 118. коли була зроблена робота? 19. зброя була виготовлена давно. 20. стіл було пересунуто в куток. 21. сестрі дали три квит- ки. 22. відвідувачам показали нові будинки. 23. йому не заплатили за роботу. 24. їм обіцяли більше. 25. йому не сказали, коли потяг.

Английский язык


1.the table was laid on time 2.не 3.the dog was left in the garden. 4.the hat was forgotten in the wardrobe. 5.i was given a book. 6.the violin was found on the closet.7.this was discussed at the meeting. 8.yesterday the chickens were not fed.9.the reception was well organized. 10.there was no sound. 11.the doors were cracked.12.what was to do with this? 13.the window was washed yesterday. 14.i did not answer the question.15.the book was written in june. 16.the fish was cooked wonderfully.17.the house was built of stone. 18.when was the work done? 19.the weapon was made long ago20.the table was moved to a corner. 21.не .visitors were shown new houses. 23.he was not paid for his work. 24.they were promised more. 25.he was not told when the train was.
а) утверждение Present Simple
It says that symptoms of this addiction can include pupils being withdrawn at school, lacking interest in other activities, being irritable, deceptive and performing poorly in lessons.
б) отрицание Present Simple
I don't think anybody in the debate is going to say 'let's go back to the 20th century'; it's about how they are managed and particularly about how they are used in schools.

в) 3 предложения с глаголом ‘to be’.
 Speaking ahead of the conference, Bousted said that tablet computers are "extremely empowering" and make technology accessible to many people
Bousted said that tablet computers are easy for children to use and they can be playing games or using social media sites for hours at a time, rather than sleeping.
We have talked about the need for parents to monitor not only the time that the child is on their tablet or computer, but also what they're actually doing, what games they are playing," she said.
г) предложение в Present Continuous
Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) said that mothers and fathers need to monitor their youngsters' use of the gadgets, amid fears that children are spending hours, and staying up late into the night, playing on them.

д) предложение в Future Simple
And perhaps there will be a debate also about the ways in which parents should monitor the use of tablets and computers at home.

е) предложение в Past Simple с неправильными глаголами. 
Bousted said that the resolution was likely to address the effect of children over-using tablets at home and the effect this has on their school work.
A) It says that symptoms of this addiction can include pupils being withdrawn at school, lacking interest in other activities, being irritable, deceptive and performing poorly in lessons.
The motion calls on ATL's executive to draw together evidence on the problem and produce a factsheet for all education staff.
"It's really difficult, but they do have to manage it.

б) She added: "I don't think anybody in the debate is going to say 'let's go back to the 20th century'; it's about how they are managed and particularly about how they are used in schools.

в) "There's no doubt that they are being used more in schools but there are concerns that increased time spent on the screen, on your tablet, leads to far more sedentary and far more isolated children and young people," she said.
It says that symptoms of this addiction can include pupils being withdrawn at school, lacking interest in other activities, being irritable, deceptive and performing poorly in lessons.
The union is due to debate a resolution at its annual conference in Manchester next week highlighting teachers' concerns about "tablet addiction" among pupils.

г) Mary Bousted, general secretary of the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) said that mothers and fathers need to monitor their youngsters' use of the gadgets, amid fears that children are spending hours, and staying up late into the night, playing on them.

д) "And perhaps there will be a debate also about the ways in which parents should monitor the use of tablets and computers at home."

е) Bousted said that the resolution was likely to address the effect of children over-using tablets at home and the effect this has on their school work.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

1. стіл був накритий вчасно. 2. коли роботу закінчили, тебе хвалили. 3. соба- ку залишили в саду. 4. капелюх забули у гардеробі. 5. мені дали книгу. 6. скрип- ку знайшли на шафі. 7. це обговорювалося на зборах. 8. вчора курчат не годували. 9. прийом був організований добре. 10. не було чути ні звуку. 11. двері були зламані. 12. що можна було з цим зробити? 13. вікно було вимито вчора. 14. на запитання ніх- то не відповів. 15. книгу було написано у червні. 16. рибу було приготовлено чудово. 17. будинок був побудований з каменю. 118. коли була зроблена робота? 19. зброя була виготовлена давно. 20. стіл було пересунуто в куток. 21. сестрі дали три квит- ки. 22. відвідувачам показали нові будинки. 23. йому не заплатили за роботу. 24. їм обіцяли більше. 25. йому не сказали, коли потяг.
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