ответ: 1.True
2. 1.What is your favorite form of entertainment?
My favorite form of entertainment is reading. I have always loved to read. I read on a daily basis. I read with my brother or sister. Reading can be a great pastime and mental escape . Mainly, reading is done at home and during my breaks while I am traveling. My brother and I read magazines, children’s books and learning words he has to study for school. Are words that he and his class focus on each week. The list usually consists of about 5 words and are words used in everyday vocabulary such as “I, the, as, is, and, etc.”
ПРАВИЛЬНО 100%1) - Shaked ( так как это время )
2) - wasn't ( это ведь тоже поэтому глагол тоже в времени)
3) crossed ( то же самое )
4) will live ( здесь будущее время, поэтому глагол в будущем)
7) will be able (будущее)
В качестве объяснения я переведу данный текст со вставленными словами:
Сара стояла на конце высокого деревянного моста, трясясь( shake - трястись ) как лист.
"Ох, если бы я только не боялась ( not be afraid - не бояться) высоты ", - сказала она. "Что я должна сделать? Я не могу перейти мост!"
Внезапно, Сара поняла что все её друзья перешли мост (cross - переходить ) и были уже далеко. " О нет, - сказала она, - если я быстро не возьму себя в руки другие бросят (leave - бросать) меня, а ведь уже начинает темнеть". С этими мыслями она глубоко вздохнула, крепко взялась за перила моста, сильно закрыла ( close - закрывать ) глаза и быстро перешла мост.
На другой стороне моста друг Сары Эдди ждал (wait - ждать) ее. " Я вернулся посмотреть где ты", сказал он. Сара улыбнулась. Это было только начало, но если она смогла перейти такой высокий мост, однажды она сможет (be able to - быть побороть свой страх.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
2прочитайте текст и выполните 1-6, обведя букву л, в, с или d, соответствующую варианту ответа, который вы считаете наиболее правильным. do you believe in fairies? ron black has just published a book on fairies and their secret lives. in his book he is trying to prove that fairies exist and live everywhere around us. there are different types of fairies. some of them are good and they always help people. other fairies are very hard to please. when they get angry, they can even steal a human child or make you very ill. fairies live not just under flowers and leaves in gardens, but also in our homes. there was a custom in some countries to leave something to eat and drink in the corners where people thought the fairies were the most active. today, as ron black writes, people forget to feed fairies properly. that's why there are so many wars and conflicts in the world. but does ron black really believe in fairies? has he ever seen one? when we asked such a question, he only smiled. then he took out a plan of his house and showed where they live in his place: brownies in the bathroom, goblins in the kitchen and pixies in the bedroom upstairs. so who knows? let's try. the next time i've got a headache, i will remember to leave some milk in the corner of the bathroom. 1 ron black wrote his book to a describe one typical fairy. в prove the existence of fairies. с characterise good fairies. d detail the bad luck brought by some fairies. 2 the old custom shows that a fairies in the past were more active than today. в people in the past weren't very serious. с wars happen when fairies are hungry. d people once believed in fairies. 3 in ron's home a there are three types of fairies. в brownies are the most active. с one type of fairy lives downstairs. d the fairies want a lot of food. 4 the author's final comment shows that a she has always believed in fairies. в she doesn't want to hurt ron black. с her headache is really strong. d she thinks ron black may be right.
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