
Составить 7 предложений утвердительных и 7 отрицательных с глаголами надо

Английский язык


Today is sunny weather
My brother adores ice cream
I want to cut my hair
Yesterday I was cleaning the room
Everyday me and my mum jog
My favorite wearing is "Black Star"

I don't want to go to school
He didn't want to kiss her
Last night my father didn't watch TV
My mom doesn't like lilacs
We didn't go to the restaurant
My little sister doesn't like to do homework
We don't have a cellar in our house
Zakharov Lilit

Разделительные вопросы строятся очень просто. Первая их часть - по сути повествовательное предложение, вторая (после запятой) - короткий общий вопрос (на русский можно перевести как "не так ли?"). По смыслу вторая часть должна быть противоположна первой - если первая утвердительная, вторая отницательная и наоборот (He is <... >, isn't he? / He isn't <...>, is he?) Вторая часть строится так: если в первой есть модальный глагол (can/could/would/should/must), то пишем его (смотрим по ситуации - с отрицательной частицей или без); если нет, то пишем вс глагол, соответствующий времени первой части (если первая часть в Present Simple - пишем is/isn't/are/aren't, Past Simple - did/didn't и т. д.); в конце ставим местоимение, заменяющее подлежащее (Birds=they, Sam=he и т. д.)

1. Birds fly to the south in winter, aren't they?

2. Sam changes his mind, doesn't he?

3. Adam doesn't give flowers to his girlfriend, does he?

Do you read a newspaper in the morning?

Do they write to you very often?


Hey. I want to say that you must visit the city of Nur-Sultan, in the country of Kazakhstan. There are many parks in my city where you can walk wonderfully. There is even a botanical garden. There are many forests and fields outside the city and among them. Since Nur-Sultan is the capital of the country, its main attraction is Baiterek, it is tall, but boring inside, everyone is photographed at the stand with the handprint of the first president, but there are many shopping and entertainment centers. I live in Nur-Sultan and therefore I can help you if you come here. If you come to my city in the summer, then take light things with you, if in winter then a jacket and warm pants. The tradition here is horse racing.


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