жила была девочка. она была совершенно невоспитанная. она рвала цветы на клумбе,обижала младших, не здоровалась и не хотела учиться в школе. как-то раз ее мама решила что пора с этим кончать. девочке нравился мальчик из ее класса. его звали илья. но он не обращал на девочку внимания. и даже сторонился ее.
все друзья и подруги девочки отвернулись от нее и не хотели с ней общаться. тогда мама объяснила девочке что,чтобы у людей складывалось хорошее впечатление о ней и она имела много друзей,ей надо стать вежливой. с тех пор девочка стала воспитанной и приятным человеком. и все у нее в жизни было хорошо.
lived a girl. she was quite ill-mannered. she tore up the flowers in the flowerbed, offended the younger, not greeted and did not want to go to school. once her mother decided it was time to finish it. the girl liked the boy in her class. his name was ilya. but he did not pay attention to the girl. and even shunned her.
all friends and girlfriend girls turned away from her and did not want to communicate with her. then my mother explained that the girl that people have evolved a good impression on her and she had many friends, she had to be polite. since then, the girl was educated and nice person. and in her life was good.
у меня немного больше предложений,сойдет?
1. More than 14000 people visit Nowy Swiat every day.
2. There are statues, palaces, attractive town houses, exclusive cafes, and high-class restaurants.
3. Polish manufactures produce books, clothes and shoes.
4. Polish manufactures produce high quality goods because Polish plants don't produce the goods for world consumption.
5. Nowy Swiat has a lot of shops such as music shops and record shops.
1. False. Nowy Swiat is placed in Warsaw.
2. False. Buildings in Nowy Swiat may look like they are old, but it's not.
3. False. Nowy Swiat don't have many billboards in the street.
4. True. There aren't many tourists.
5. False. The world doesn't know about this paradise for shoppers yet.
6. False. Polish shops has a lot of products.
7. False. It hasn't huge department stores.
1) "I love London" T-shirt (Футболка "Я Люблю Лондон")
2) Bowler hat (Шляпа Котелок)
3) Umbrella "British Flag" (Зонтик "Британский Флаг)
4) Picture Of Tower Bridge (Картина с Тауэрским мостом)
5) Reusable shopping Bag "I love London" (Многоразовая сумка "Я Люблю Лондон"
6) Sunglasses and regular glasses (Солнцезащитные очки и обычные очки)
7) Wrist watch (Наручные очки)
8) Cup "I love London" (Кружка "Я Люблю Лондон")
9) Map Of London (Карта Лондона)
10) Trinkets (Брелки)
11)Postcards from London (Открытки из Лондона)
12)British flag (Британский флаг)
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Мне нужен рассказ про девочку которая была плохой но потом стала хорошей спереводом не более 10 предложений!
there was a girl with really bad character.she did not have frends because was angry.once she met a strange dog.it was magic dog.the dog tell about his life to the girl.his story was very unhappy: the dog was unpleasnt all his life and he lived alone.the girl had been frigthen and she changed her mind.she became to be a good girl.