
Read and answer it's king's park day today. there are a lot of people in the park. look! jim is playing a gamewith the clown! sally is eating an aplle and her brother samis making a sandcastle. jenny and jude are painting their faces. their mother, sue is watching them.can you see paul and tony? they are ridinga horse! everybody is having a greart time!

Английский язык



Сегодня день 'Королевского парка'. В парке очень много людей. Смотри! Джим играет в игру с клоуном! Салли ест яблоко, а ее брат Сэм делает замок из песка. Дженни и Джуд разрисовывают лица. Их мать, Сью наблюдает за ними. Ты видишь Пола и Тони? Они едут верхом на лошади! Все отлично проводят время!


1. high - higher - the highest

2. small - smaller - the smallest

3. large - larger - the largest

4. heavy - heavier - the heaviest

5. new - newer - the newest

6. interesting - more interesting - the most interesting

7. beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful

8. difficult - more difficult - the most difficult

9. creative - more creative - the most creative

10. careful - more careful - the most careful

11. bad - worse - the worst

12. many - more - the most

13. good - better - the best

14. little - less - the least

Make and do 1 Just a minute, i have to make... a quick phone call before we go
2 I want to ...have done.. my homework before the flim starts
3 My parents the shopping every Saturday
4 i have to my bed in the mornings
5 My mother ...makes... a lot of different dishes when we have a dinner party
6 My brother and i help our parents do.. the cleaning at the weekend
7 The teacher ...does... all her work before she goes home
8 Try not to ...make... so many mistakes when you speak in italian

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Read and answer it's king's park day today. there are a lot of people in the park. look! jim is playing a gamewith the clown! sally is eating an aplle and her brother samis making a sandcastle. jenny and jude are painting their faces. their mother, sue is watching them.can you see paul and tony? they are ridinga horse! everybody is having a greart time!
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