
Выберите правильный ответ: 1. we to the top of holborn hill before i that he was not smiling at all. a had not, knew b got, knew c were getting, knew d have got, have known 2. turning from the temple gate as soon as i the warning, i my way to fleet street, and then to covent garden. a was reading, made, drove b have read, made, drove c had read, made, drove d read, made, was driving 3. seventy - seven detective novels and books og stories by agatha christie into every major language by now, and her sales in tens of millions. a were translated, are calculated b were translated have calculated c have been translated, are calculated d have been translated, were calculated

Английский язык


думаю так, но это не точно))
В автобусе (On a bus)Passenger: One ticket, please.  Пассажир: Один билет
Bus driver: Here you are.Водитель автобуса: Вот, возьмите.  Passenger: How much is the fare?Пассажир: Какова стоимость билета?  Bus driver: One dollar fifty.Водитель автобуса: Один доллар, пятьдесят центов.  Passenger: Will you accept a two-dollar bill?Пассажир: Примете ли Вы купюру в два доллара?  Bus driver: No, only exact change or a token.Водитель автобуса: Нет, только точную сумму или проездной жетон.  Passenger: Do I have to pay for a three-year-old child?Пассажир: Должен ли я платить за трёхлетнего ребенка?  Bus driver: No, children under seven ride free.Водитель автобуса: Нет, дети в возрасте до семи лет проезжают бесплатно.  Passenger: Ok, thank you.Пассажир: Хорошо Водитель автобуса: Не могли бы вы отступить от двери и отойти назад? Пусть другие пассажиры войдут.  Passenger: Yes, of course. No problem.Пассажир: Да, конечно. Мне не сложно.
-Hello -hello -What transport,do you like to travel??? -oh,really I don't know)but the last time I traveled by train,was a great-fun!And what about you??? -so,I like travel by train too,but I traveled to Egipt last plane and I love it))) -really??I never flied by plane)But I want to try))) Привет Привет Каким видом транспорта ты любишь путешествовать ? О,я не знаю,но в последний раз я ехал поездом и это было весело))) А ты? Я ездил на поезде,но в году я поехал в Египет на самолёте и мне понравилось! Правда?я не летал никогда на самолёте ,но попробую

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Выберите правильный ответ: 1. we to the top of holborn hill before i that he was not smiling at all. a had not, knew b got, knew c were getting, knew d have got, have known 2. turning from the temple gate as soon as i the warning, i my way to fleet street, and then to covent garden. a was reading, made, drove b have read, made, drove c had read, made, drove d read, made, was driving 3. seventy - seven detective novels and books og stories by agatha christie into every major language by now, and her sales in tens of millions. a were translated, are calculated b were translated have calculated c have been translated, are calculated d have been translated, were calculated
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