Александр блок родился 28 ноября 1880, в санкт-петербурге — поэт, писатель, публицист, драматург, переводчик, критик. классик xx столетия, один из крупнейших представителей символизма. alexander blok was born on 28 nov 1880 in saint-petersburg — russian poet, writer, essayist, playwright, translator, literary critic. a classic of russian literature of the xx century, one of the largest representatives of russian symbolism.
1) 1Has he also written two best-? 2 Has he also written two best - selling books or magazines? 3 He has also written two best - selling books , hasn’t he? He hasn’t also written two best - selling books , has he? 4 When has he written two best - selling books? 5 Who written two best - selling books? 2) 1 Did he read about a small technology company in 1975? 2 Did he read about a small technology company in 1975 or in 1980? 3 In 1975 he read about a small technology company , didn’t he ? In 1975 he didn’t read about a small technology company , did he ? 4 Where did he read about a small technology company ? 5 About whose small technology company he read ?
I didn't know how to ride a bike. I called my grandmother and she told me to steer straight, look forward and pedal really quickly and she would hold me very tight. I did just like she told me, steered straight, looked forward and pedaled really quickly. And at one point my grandmother let go of me and I just rode the bike. I was so eager to learn how to ride a bike that I forgot about everything. I just pedaled and didn't look behind me. Only after I had realized that my grandmother let go of me. Then I rode up to them and I was over the roof. After the lesson my friends and I went riding our bikes together. It was a day I'll never forget.