
Короткое эссе на на тему "место, которое ты последний раз посещал"

Английский язык


Gibraltar Overseas territory of Great Britain on the Iberian peninsula, in fact, can not be called either British or Spanish. The territory of 2.3 square miles is trying to accommodate a ton of tourists and "inflates" them. If you want to get there by car, you will have to wait a very long time at the border, and on arrival, nothing interesting, except a dull stone, you will not see - only fake British pubs and disgustingly gaggling macaques that like to attack tourists. Niagara Falls, New York If you want to see Niagara Falls, then it's better to go to Canada, not to the USA. The northern neighbors of the States have a view of the waterfall much better. On the American side, it looks like it's cut off.
Once upon a time , there was an old man .He was very kind .But he was very poor. The only one thing which he owned was the "ukulele" He kept it carefully because he his father gave it to him.He played the "ukulele" very seldom. One day he decided to play the "ukulele" .He took it out of the box and began to play. The ukulele sounded irresistible charming. There was a fairy atmosphere around an old man playing the ukulele. Birds were singing while he was playing. At that moment the carriage of rich merchant was passing by .The merchant ordered to stop .He left the carriage came to an old man. He liked the way it played. So he decided to buy it .An old man didn't want to sell it . But the merchant insisted. So he had to sell his ukulele. An old man got a lot of money and became rich .
Barabanov Gerasimenko
In a small house on the banks of the river lived a little mouse. One day, while walking through the forest, she found the coin. "What would I buy it for her?" - She thought for a long time and finally decided to buy a ribbon. Little mouse went to the store to choose a beautiful rabbit and a pink ribbon. In the evening, wearing the most beautiful dress and tied a ribbon, she invited for tea neighbor cock. When he saw the good in his new outfit a small neighbor, cock decided to marry her. But the mouse did not like his loud shrill voice, and she refused to groom. After seeing the cock home, she sat down at the window. At this time by her house were Duckling and donkey. Seeing the charming hostess, they had a crush on her, and immediately offered her both hand and heart. 

и перевод 

 В маленьком домике на берегу реки жила маленькая мышка. Однажды, гуляя по лесу, она нашла монетку. «Что бы мне такое на нее купить?» – долго размышляла она и, наконец, решила купить ленточку. Маленькая мышка отправилась в лавку к кролику и выбрала красивую розовую ленточку. Вечером, надев самое красивое платье и повязав ленточку, она пригласила на чай соседа-петуха. Когда он увидел, как хороша в новом наряде его маленькая соседка, петух решил на ней жениться. Но мышке не понравился его громкий пронзительный голос, и она отказала жениху. Проводив петушка домой, она присела у окошка. В это время мимо ее домика проходили утенок и ослик. Увидев очаровательную хозяйку, они без памяти влюбились в нее и тут же оба предложили ей руку и сердце.

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