
12. barbara: it’s curious that roy can’t ski better. leonora: i know. by the end of the month he ………. lessons for a full month. a) will have b) will be having c) has been having d) will have been having e) will having 13. the witch had three ……………… on her ugly nose. a) pieces of hair b) pieces of hairs c) hairs d) hair e) strings of hair 14. these exercises are …………… no means as difficult as the others. a) in b) on c) for d) at e) by 15. what is the meaning of the word in italics? his name was napoleon owing to a whim of his mother. a) fit b) caprice c) decision d) dream e) intention 16. irene: there were already five people in the car but they managed to squeeze me in. larry: it a very comfortable journey. a) can’t be b) mustn’t have been c) couldn’t be d) couldn’t have been e) shouldn’t have been 17. we had never come such a situation before! a) off b) to c) across d) along e) by 18. did he remember that girl’s name. a) upon opening the album b) only after opening the album c) when opening the album d) while opening the album e) after he had opened the album 19. he has arrived late …………………. a) as usual b) as usually c) as usualy d) like usual e) like usually

Английский язык


12. D) will have been having
13. C) hairs
14. E) by
15. B) caprice
16. D) couldn’t have been
17. C) across
18. B) Only after opening the album
19. A) as usual

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Computers have greatly influenced human life. With the advent of the computer, human life is much easier. Now at this time, a person can learn and find any information through a computer without leaving home. No one person can live a day without using a computer. Today, people work on the Internet, communicate with their friends, relax in their free time and learn. In spite of the huge number of advantages of the existence of a computer, there are also disadvantages. The computer takes a lot of precious time. People often spend their time in a blank sitting in front of a screen monitor. But despite this, most people still consider computer technology a blessing.

Перевод: компьютеры очень сильно повлияли на жизнь человека. с появлением компьютера человеческая жизнь очень облегчилась. теперь на данное время человек может узнать и найти любую информацию через компьютер не выходя из дома. не один человек не может прожить и дня не воспользовавшись компьютером. сегодня люди работают в интернете, общаются со своими друзьями, отдыхают в свободное время и учатся. не смотря на огромное количество плюсов существования компьютера также находятся недостатки. компьютер забирает очень много драгоценного времени. люди часто тратят свое время в пустую сидя перед монитором экрана. но не смотря на это все же большинство людей считают компьютерные технологии благословением.

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

12. barbara: it’s curious that roy can’t ski better. leonora: i know. by the end of the month he ………. lessons for a full month. a) will have b) will be having c) has been having d) will have been having e) will having 13. the witch had three ……………… on her ugly nose. a) pieces of hair b) pieces of hairs c) hairs d) hair e) strings of hair 14. these exercises are …………… no means as difficult as the others. a) in b) on c) for d) at e) by 15. what is the meaning of the word in italics? his name was napoleon owing to a whim of his mother. a) fit b) caprice c) decision d) dream e) intention 16. irene: there were already five people in the car but they managed to squeeze me in. larry: it a very comfortable journey. a) can’t be b) mustn’t have been c) couldn’t be d) couldn’t have been e) shouldn’t have been 17. we had never come such a situation before! a) off b) to c) across d) along e) by 18. did he remember that girl’s name. a) upon opening the album b) only after opening the album c) when opening the album d) while opening the album e) after he had opened the album 19. he has arrived late …………………. a) as usual b) as usually c) as usualy d) like usual e) like usually
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