I am a pupil of the eighth form. I study at school 14 in Kharkiv.
The pupils of our school learn different languages: Russian, English, French and German. I learn English.
I have my English three times a week. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I take my English textbook, vocabulary and exercise-book and go to my English lesson.
The bell rings and the teacher and the pupils come into the classroom. We sit down at our tables, open our textbooks and the lesson begins. During the lesson we listen to the tape recorder, ask each other questions and speak out on what we have heard. Sometimes it is a story, sometimes it is a dialogue or a conversation. They are not very long but they are always very interesting.
We speak English a lot, but we also read texts from our textbook. During the lesson we also write sentences on the blackboard, learn grammar rules and do exercises. Twice a month we have our home reading lesson. At this lesson we speak about what we have read and discuss interesting episodes from our book.
I never get bad marks in my English because I always prepare my homework well.
I like my English lessons very much and come to them with joy.
Asking the question of who you see yourself in five years, the employer wants to understand two things: how do your plans correspond to the expectations and capabilities of the company, can you implement them in a new place, and also what goals you set for yourself, what you want from your career. It is important to answer this question honestly and openly, because many companies have a certain logic of career development. If your expectations diverge greatly from the company's capabilities, it is better for both the employer and you to understand this in advance. Then neither the employer will be surprised, nor you will be demotivated afterwards. It is appropriate to ask the employer about the practice in the company, whether there is an accepted logic of career development. It is important that your dream is somehow connected with the career steps that you are going to take in the upcoming workplace in the near future.
In case of a question about a dream, it's good if you have one. It is important for an employer to understand what you are striving for and whether the proposed job can bring you closer to your goal, whether it will not become an obstacle to achieving your goal. It is important that your dream is somehow connected with the career steps that you are going to take in the near future in the upcoming workplace.
Задаваясь вопросом, кем вы видите себя через пять лет, работодатель хочет понять две вещи: насколько ваши планы соответствуют ожиданиям и возможностям компании, можете ли вы реализовать их на новом месте, а также какие цели вы перед собой ставите. себя, чего вы хотите от своей карьеры. На этот вопрос важно ответить честно и открыто, ведь у многих компаний есть определенная логика карьерного роста. Если ваши ожидания сильно расходятся с возможностями компании, то и работодателю, и вам лучше понять это заранее. Тогда ни работодатель не удивится, ни вы потом не демотивируете. Уместно спросить работодателя о практике в компании, существует ли общепринятая логика карьерного роста. Важно, чтобы ваша мечта как-то была связана с карьерными шагами, которые вы собираетесь предпринять на предстоящем рабочем месте в ближайшем будущем.
В случае возникновения вопроса о сне, хорошо, если он у вас есть. Работодателю важно понимать, к чему вы стремитесь и сможет ли предлагаемая работа приблизить вас к вашей цели, не станет ли она препятствием на пути к ее достижению. Важно, чтобы ваша мечта как-то была связана с карьерными шагами, которые вы собираетесь предпринять в ближайшем будущем на предстоящем рабочем месте.
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