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The city of Dnipro (ex Dnipropetrovsk) or Dnepr (Rus.) is situated on the Dnieper River (Dnepr or Dnipro) in East-Central Ukraine and has a population of 1 million (third city in the country by population). Large and beautiful, it is the main city of East-Central Ukraine.

Dnipro is a dynamic and lively city.

The city is surprising green along the wide and slow-moving Dnieper river (Dnepr in Russian, Dnipro in Ukrainian) and has remarkable embankments, long boulevards and spacious parks.

It is also the major centre of high-technology industries, education, machine-building, metallurgy and trade. The city is not only famous for its commercial industry, but also its green hills and deep history.

The old fortress settlement has existed since the middle of the 16th century. The new town was founded in 1776 by the Russian Prince, Potemkin by order of Catherine II, Empress of the Russian Empire and was called Yekaterinoslav (Ekaterinoslav) from 1776 to 1926. During 1918 the town’s name was Sicheslav (The Glory for Sich’/Fortress of Cossacks).

Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) has been the major center of the steel industry from the beginning of the 20th century until the present. It has also dominated in the machinebuilding and aero-spacebuilding industry since the 1950s.

Перевод:Город Днепр (бывший Днепропетровск) или Днепр (Россия) расположен на реке Днепр (Днепр или Днепр) в Восточно-Центральной Украине и с населением 1 миллион человек (третий город страны по численности населения). Большой и красивый, это главный город Центрально-Восточной Украины.

Днепр - динамичный и живой город.

Город удивительно зеленый вдоль широкой и медленной реки Днепр (Днепр по-русски, Днепр по-украински) и имеет замечательные набережные, длинные бульвары и просторные парки.

Это также крупный центр высокотехнологичной промышленности, образования, машиностроения, металлургии и торговли. Город известен не только своей коммерческой промышленностью, но также своими зелеными холмами и богатой историей.

Старинное городище-крепость существует с середины 16 века. Новый город был основан в 1776 году русским князем Потемкиным по приказу императрицы Российской империи Екатерины II и с 1776 по 1926 год назывался Екатеринослав (Екатеринослав). В 1918 году город назывался Сичеслав (Слава Сечи). Крепость казаков).

Днепр (Днепропетровск) был крупным центром черной металлургии с начала 20 века до наших дней. Он также доминирует в машиностроении и авиакосмической отрасли с 1950-х годов.


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The city of Dnipro (ex Dnipropetrovsk) or Dnepr (Rus.) is situated on the Dnieper River (Dnepr or Dnipro) in East-Central Ukraine and has a population of 1 million (third city in the country by population). Large and beautiful, it is the main city of East-Central Ukraine.

Dnipro is a dynamic and lively city.

The city is surprising green along the wide and slow-moving Dnieper river (Dnepr in Russian, Dnipro in Ukrainian) and has remarkable embankments, long boulevards and spacious parks.

It is also the major centre of high-technology industries, education, machine-building, metallurgy and trade. The city is not only famous for its commercial industry, but also its green hills and deep history.

The old fortress settlement has existed since the middle of the 16th century. The new town was founded in 1776 by the Russian Prince, Potemkin by order of Catherine II, Empress of the Russian Empire and was called Yekaterinoslav (Ekaterinoslav) from 1776 to 1926. During 1918 the town’s name was Sicheslav (The Glory for Sich’/Fortress of Cossacks).

Dnipro (Dnipropetrovsk) has been the major center of the steel industry from the beginning of the 20th century until the present. It has also dominated in the machinebuilding and aero-spacebuilding industry since the 1950s.

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