
2раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в active или passive voice. 8. many people, including engineers and construction experts, (to involve) in figuring out what type of road should be made. 9. smart materials are materials (to change) their properties in response to external conditions 10. gasoline car engines (to use) spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition. 11. some construction work (to do) in park avenue now. 12. the pavement (to widen) recently. 13. street lights (to replace) a year ago. 14. the talks still (to hold 15. huge blocks of flats (to build) all last year. 15. bill gates and paul allen (to found) traf-o-data in 1971 to sell their computer traffic-analysis systems.

Английский язык


8)are involved; 9)that change; 10)use; 11)is being done; 12)has been widened; 13)were replaced; 14)is still holding; 15)were built; 16)founded

кому сидеть с детьми, пока в доме нет няни?But who gets stuck with the children with no nanny in the house?

Выбор няни для детей — важная и тонкая задача.Choosing a nanny for the children is an important and delicate task.

Няня: строгая, порядочная, серьёзная.Nanny: Firm, respectable, no nonsense.

А, это няня?Oh, the babysitter.

— Какая-то няня.Just a babysitter.

Зачем, няню отпустить?You keeping the babysitter up or something?

Слезь с няни.Get off the babysitter.

Просто слезь с няни.Just get off the babysitter.

Я могу позвать няню.— I can get a sitter.

Я так устала и должна отпустить няню.I have to take care of the sitter.

Манон не может раздобыть няню, а у Кароль муж домаManon can't get a sitter and Carole's husband is home.

— Ты могла бы найти нянюYou could get a sitter.

Где мы сможем найти няню?Where are we supposed to get a sitter?

Я не возражаю быть няней такому ребёнку.I don't mind babysitting this kind of a baby.

Я приходящая няня и обязана сидеть с детьми дома, а я потащила их в город, что непозволительно.I'm stuck babysitting for these kids, and... I'm not supposed to be taking them into the city like this. I'm just not.

Не хотите поработать няней?You should try babysitting.

Ты права: опасное это занятие — быть няней.You're right. Babysitting is dangerous.

Ты права: опасное это занятие — быть няней.You're right. Babysitting is dangerous.

Лайонел Ха, он же Мигель Санчез, он же доктор Нгуен Ван Ток, получил 8 долларов за 32 часа работы няней.Lionel Hutz, a.k.a. Miguel Sanchez, a.k.a. Dr. Nguyen Van Thoc... was paid eight dollars for his 32 hours of babysitting.

— Я няня.— "This is a baby-sitter."

Вы няня?— You are the baby-sitter?

Няня!The baby-sitter!

Я нашёл тебе няню.I have got you a baby-sitter.

Нана, помимо собаки была ещё и няней, но держала своё мнение при себе. Терпимо относясь ко всему происходящему.Nana, the nursemaid, being a dog... kept her opinions to herself... and viewed the whole affair with a certain tolerance.

Мисс Коллинз, Вы не расскажете мне про няню мальчика?Beauty queen Collins, talk to me about the nursemaid of the boy.

А няня мальчика миссис Вэйтерс?— The nursemaid of the child, you.

Он нанял меня в качестве няни для Виолетты.It employed me for nursemaid of Violet, his daughter of the partner.

Будет ли справедливо сказать, что Вы работали не только няней Виолетты, но и скрашивали его жизнь?And perhaps saying is correct what not only was working for him like nursemaid of Violet, since she also was his close friend

И нам не понадобится няня.And you could save money. He could babysit.

— Какое-то время я мог бы поработать няней.-I could still babysit for a while.

Вы няней не подрабатываете?Do you babysit?

Многие годы она была моей няней, когда я был поменьше.She used to babysit me when I was younger, for years.

Элиф с мужем остались с няней.I left Elif there with her father and au pair...

Мама сказала, что наймет няню, и Жильдас решил забрать сокровище.Gildas wanted to get his treasure back from the attic, before Mom hired the au pair.

Почему он платит Мэри Оливант, вашей бывшей няне, 1000 евро в месяц?Why was he paying Mary Olivant, your au pair, 1,000 euros a month?

Филипп, и наша няня, Анна.Phillip. And our au pair, Anne.

Я собираюсь взять.. няню.I am getting an au pair.

Но когда мне нужно говорить голосом няни...— I do. But when I have to speak in the nanny's voice...

А у меня няня умерла.My nanny's died.

Луис зашел в комнату няни.Luis went up to the nanny's room.

Полиция не может найти мобильник няни.The police can't find the nanny's cell phone.

И его няня тоже неплоха.And his nanny's kind of great,too.

надеюсь возможно есть ошибки но я старалась...

1. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, I would have gone to school.

2. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, all the parks would have been opened.

3. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, people would have been able to travel abroad.

4. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, I would have been able to see my friends.

5. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, I would have been able to go to the cinema.

6. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, he would have gone to see a football match.

7. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, people wouldn’t have bought masks.

8. If there hadn’t been coronavirus in Russia, people would have been happier.

Ответить на вопрос

Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

2раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в active или passive voice. 8. many people, including engineers and construction experts, (to involve) in figuring out what type of road should be made. 9. smart materials are materials (to change) their properties in response to external conditions 10. gasoline car engines (to use) spark ignition whereas diesel engines use compression ignition. 11. some construction work (to do) in park avenue now. 12. the pavement (to widen) recently. 13. street lights (to replace) a year ago. 14. the talks still (to hold 15. huge blocks of flats (to build) all last year. 15. bill gates and paul allen (to found) traf-o-data in 1971 to sell their computer traffic-analysis systems.
Ваше имя (никнейм)*

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