
Составить 6 ! socialising in britain british people don't like to be embarrassed. they worry that they may not be able to make conversation with you, or understand what you say to them. they probably don't know much about your country (if they can guess where you arc from) or your culture, and fear they might say something that offends you. they think you wont understand their jokes (and you won't! it's actually easy to avoid this awkward encounter since they probably won't come up and start speaking to you anyway. british people like to have a lot of their own personal space. they want their own privacy. some british people may worry that if they make friends with you, you may not understand their social customs. they may also worry about interfering with your own personal space. if you are a woman, a british man may be concerned that you will feel threatened if he starts speaking to you. if there are several spare seats in a public place, most british people will sit away from other people. they also don't touch each other very much, and will usually apologise if they touch someone accidentally. it is rare for people to go to someone's house without having arranged it beforehand.

Английский язык


What british people don't like? What british man may?Thay also don't touch...?Остальное потом напишу)

This is your opportunity to expand your social circle. Thanks to the Internet, today we can easily communicate with residents of other countries. If you know English, you can easily make new friends and acquaintances, learn more about the culture of other countries and the mentality of their inhabitants.When hiring a new employee, management is almost always interested in whether they speak any foreign languages. Competition between specialists is very high today, and if you know a foreign language, the chances of successful and promising employment are significantly increased.

Эта ваша возможность расширить круг общения. Благодаря Интернету сегодня мы можем легко общаться с жителями других стран. Если вы знаете английский язык, то легко сможете завести новых друзей и знакомых, узнать больше о культуре других стран и менталитете их жителей.При приеме на работу нового сотрудника руководство почти всегда интересуется, владеют ли они какими-либо иностранными языками. Конкуренция между специалистами сегодня очень высока, и если вы знаете иностранный язык, то шансы на успешное и перспективное трудоустройство значительно увеличиваются.


1 Vocabulary

20a Listen and match the words in bold with their meanings a-f.

1. Brian got a new laptop. I'm jealous because I've only

got an old computer.

2. The film we saw was terrible. We were very disappointed.

3. I was nervous before the exam, but it was actually very easy.

4. Greg did well in the Maths competition and his parents

were proud of him.

5. The coach is confident that the team will win the next game.

6. I'm confused. Is Mr Blake's office on the second or third floor?

000 OO


a. worried that bad things may happen

b. happy about something you or other

people you know have done

c. feeling sure that you can do something well

d. upset because things haven't happened

the way you expected

e. unhappy and angry because you want

something another person has

f. feeling that you can't think clearly

or understand what is happening

Try to guess

the meaning

of unknown



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Составить 6 ! socialising in britain british people don't like to be embarrassed. they worry that they may not be able to make conversation with you, or understand what you say to them. they probably don't know much about your country (if they can guess where you arc from) or your culture, and fear they might say something that offends you. they think you wont understand their jokes (and you won't! it's actually easy to avoid this awkward encounter since they probably won't come up and start speaking to you anyway. british people like to have a lot of their own personal space. they want their own privacy. some british people may worry that if they make friends with you, you may not understand their social customs. they may also worry about interfering with your own personal space. if you are a woman, a british man may be concerned that you will feel threatened if he starts speaking to you. if there are several spare seats in a public place, most british people will sit away from other people. they also don't touch each other very much, and will usually apologise if they touch someone accidentally. it is rare for people to go to someone's house without having arranged it beforehand.
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