1) c) I find it hard understand why you like reading those trashy novels.
2) b) He loves gardening because it gives him a feeling of doing something useful.
3) a) There is no pointin ask you to do the washing up.
4) b) As you refuse to work on Sunday there is no point in offering you overtime.
5) b) l am thinking of going away on holiday over Easter.
6) b) The restaurant we intend to eat at on Saturday evening is sure to be to your taste.
7) b) I don't want her coming to dinner because I know she will say something to annoy me.
В данном мини сочинении так же рассказывается о полезности самой книги.
Почему читать-это круто?! Во-первых, чтение расширяет кругозор и улучшить смекалку,интуицию и фантазию.Во-вторых,книга прекрасный друг,можно воображать чудесные миры и вместе с героем переживать события его жизни.Так же книга от скуки,когда грустно и одиноко всегда можно взять чашечку чая,укутаться в плед и наслаждаться чтением прекрасных художественных произведений.
Why is reading cool?! First, reading broadens the mind and helps to improve wit,intuition and imagination.Second,the book is lovely mate,can imagine wonderful worlds and together with the character through the events of his life.The same book will save you from boredom, when sad and lonely you can always take a Cup of tea,wrap yourself in a blanket and enjoy reading beautiful works of art.
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в past simple или past continuous. there (to be) two men in the room. one of them (to write) something while the other (to read) a paper. i (to sit) in an armchair when the door suddenly (to open) and a stranger (to come she (to come) to see us just at the time we (to have) dinner. i (to see) him just as he (to leave) the hotel. i (to find) an old man in the garden. he (to speak) to children. 6) i (to feed) my cat with fish yesterday. what you (to do) at 5 yesterday? my brother (to play) computer games from 5 till 7 yesterday. he (not to go) to the shop last sunday. i (to see) ben when he (to cross) the street. 3. раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в past simple или past perfect. he (not to tell) me that he (to receive) a letter from her. i (to ask) him if he (to know) where she (to live). he (to answer), he (to lose) her address. she (to say) that he (to give) her the wrong number. i (to ask) him where he (to put) my letter. he (to tell) us that they (to spend) all the money. i (not to see) him before we (to meet) at the concert. he (to leave) the house before i (to have) time to ask him anything. i (to think) he already (to go) home. he (to speak) a language we never (to hear) before. he (to tell) me he (to learn) it from the newspaper.
Это 2