Я бы хотела посетить Францию, а именно столицу этой страны - Париж. Кто бы не хотел побывать в Париже? Париж - один из самых красивых городов мира. Он богат памятниками материальной культуры и искусства и историческими достопримечательностями, которые привлекают туристов из разных стран. В ресторанах Парижа я бы захотела попробовать разнообразные национальные французские блюда, ведь я без ума от кулинарии удовольствием готовлю и с огромным дома. Так же мне бы очень хотелось посетить парки развлечений, выставки, пообщаться с жителями Парижа и прогуляться вместе с семьей по шумному ночному городу, где никогда не умолкает веселье и разговоры людей.
I would like to visit France, namely the capital of this country - Paris. Who wouldn't want to visit Paris? Paris is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. It is rich in monuments of material culture and art and historical sites that attract tourists from different countries. In the restaurants of Paris, I would like to try a variety of national French dishes, because I am crazy about cooking and I cook with a huge home. I would also very much like to visit amusement parks, exhibitions, communicate with the inhabitants of Paris and walk with my family through the noisy night city, where the fun and conversations of people never stop.
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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
1complete the sentences and questions. use the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1 i wish i (not have) a maths test next monday. 2 if you (cool) water to 0°c, it freezes. 3 you (remember) her birthday if you write it in your diary. 4 the train (already / leave) when they got to the station, so they caught a bus instead. 5 if your brother reads horror stories at bedtime, he (be) scared. 6 i promise i (not forget) to record your favourite programme tonight. 7 look! adam is walking towards emma. he is going (ask) her to dance with him. 8 jake and sian (go) to the cinema when i met them. they said the film was wonderful. 9 if you (practise) the piano every day, your piano teacher would be happy. 10 if the woman was a criminal, the police (arrest) her.
2. cool
3. will remember
4. had already left
5. will be
6. will not forget
7. to ask
8. were going
9. practised
10. would have arrested