
How to help others сочинение сделайте

Английский язык


My name is Maria and I’m fourteen years old. I’d like to tell you about human kindness and the necessity to help each other. We are all taught to be kind towards human beings from the very childhood. However, over the time most people forget about it and become selfish. They start helping others only if there is any kind of profit. It’s in human nature to ignore the problems of others when they are well-fed and content. When they have lots of money, successful career and powerful friends, they completely forget about the needs of those who surround them. They even stop helping their closest relatives, which is a nuisance. In my opinion, when you help someone no matter in which sphere of life, you help yourself. A person can become much better as he changes his inner world by helping others.I think that buying an extra cup of coffee or another slice of pizza for someone who can’t afford it is a noble act. If we help someone who is in need today, perhaps, someone else will help us when we are in need. Thus, helping people is highly rewarding.
1)the capitol is the hightes building in washington. 2)the most intersting museum in washington is the nation art and space museum 2(перевод) 2(абзац) вашингтон имеет большую коммерческую деятельность,и эта деятельность правительство.  многие люди,живущие в вашингтоне работают на федеральное правительство.на 1600 пенсильвания-авеню имеется белый дом,где живет президент и имеет свой офис. 4(абзац) в столице (в вашингтоне) имеется много всемирно известных художественных галерей,музеев и памятников.национальный музей искусства и космический музей одни из самых интересных музеев в вашингтоне.в музее имеются самолеты и космические корабли,которые сыграли важную роль в авиации.есть даже камни,что астронавты  на землю после их высадки на луну. больше не знаю(

arbara: my younger sister suzy has birthday today. i would like to arrange something interesting for her.

michael: for example? do you want to buy something interesting or to sing an unknown song?

barbara: the song i am going to sing together with my sister is well-known. it is «happy birthday to you…». and what about presents – i don`t know what to buy.

michael: how old will be your sister?

barbara: she will be nineteen.

michael: what is she fond of? many young people are fond of pop-music, gadgets, etc.

barbara: she likes different romantic things: candles, romantic stories, flowers, etc.

michael: then everything is very easy. you buy beautiful flowers, some incense sticks and the latest much talked-of love story. she has to be happy.

barbara: are you sure?

michael: sure, i know women very well.      

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