
Раскройте скобки i (not go) to school every day. he often (help) his father. they usually (go) to the river. he (sleep) every day. where they (go) on sunday.

Английский язык


I do not go to school.
He often helps his father
They usually go to the river.
He sleeps every day
Where they will go on Sunday
Dont go
will go

You should walk only on the sidewalk, on a pedestrian or bicycle path, and if not, on the side of the road. In the case of their absence, you can move along the edge of the carriageway towards the movement of vehicles.

Where there is a traffic light the road needs to be transferred only to the green signal of the traffic light.

In places where there are no traffic lights, the road is safe to cross an underground or overhead pedestrian crossing, and if they are not, a pedestrian ("zebra") road.

If there is no pedestrian crossing, you must go to the nearest intersection. If there is no pedestrian crossing or an intersection in the vicinity, the road is taken along the shortest path. And only where the road is without fences and is clearly visible in both directions, looking attentively left and right.

You can not climb over the fence.

If the road is wide, and you did not have time to go, you can wait on the "island of security."

If there are adults nearby, ask them to help you cross the road.

Playing games on the road and on the sidewalk is dangerous. It is strictly forbidden to run out on the roadway because of trees, cars and other objects that prevent the driver from seeing you on time.

Ходить следует только по тротуару, пешеходной или велосипедной дорожке, а если нет - по обочине. В случае их отсутствия можно двигаться по краю проезжей части дороги навстречу движению транспортных средств.

Там, где есть светофор дорогу надо переходить только на зеленый сигнал светофора.

В местах, где нет светофоров, дорогу безопасно переходить по подземному или надземному пешеходному переходу, а при их отсутствии по пешеходному ("зебра").

Если нет пешеходного перехода, необходимо идти до ближайшего перекрестка. Если по близости нет ни пешеходного перехода, ни перекрестка, дорогу переходим по кратчайшему пути. И только там, где дорога без ограждений и хорошо видна в обе стороны, посмотрев внимательно налево и направо.

Нельзя перелезать через ограждения.

Если дорога широкая, и ты не успел перейти, переждать можно на "островке безопасности".

Если рядом есть взрослые, попросите у них вам перейти дорогу.

Играть в игры на дороге и на тротуаре опасно. Строго запрещено выбегать на проезжую часть из-за деревьев, автомобилей и других объектов, которые мешают водителю увидеть вас вовремя

Kolokolnikova DANIIL179
1 can cross my eyes closed across the road. You may hurt the machine and then have to go once again to the hospital. 2It stands to attract a lot of attention, namely: to laugh, to cry, to argue, to swear, to sort things out. Is considerations of decency not to spit on the pavement and generally make a mess. You pollute the streets and spoil the mood of others. Nelsa to blow your nose and sneeze, not covering her mouth. Also not picking his nose and teeth. Plohim polite to point the finger at anything. If you want to provide your neighbor to some object, then just nod your head or show look. 6He stands to cuss when around people, especially children. Nelsa to burp in public, at least, specifically and loudly. Pravila good behavior is not recommended to walk down the street naked and scratching your private parts. Ne should advertise violence, murder, terrorism, and its hostility to any nation. Accordingly, in the street not to commit acts of a criminal nature. Ne should be much to issue their religious feelings, namely, to publicly pray, sing Psalms, to perform various rites of sacrifice. N the street cannot conduct inconsistent with the authorities of demonstrations, meetings, pickets. Thorgaut in designated areas (e.g. on the market), and street trading is prohibited. Na the street to race cars, to hold fights. Na the street to burn trash, such as plastic waste or autumn leaves. In the summer, often open fires are prohibited. It is impossible to organize activities that will disturb other people: to block the traffic on roads, use of various harmful chemicals to conduct dangerous experiments, experiments. Nelsa to walk and fight just the big dogs without a muzzle, a leash. 16 on the street cannot arbitrarily cut branches and trunks of trees in the immediate vicinity of the sidewalks and roadway. You cannot violate the rules of the road, both drivers and pedestrians

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Раскройте скобки i (not go) to school every day. he often (help) his father. they usually (go) to the river. he (sleep) every day. where they (go) on sunday.
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