Kashtanov Anna

Зарание ! 20 1 прочитай текст и выполни , last summer my friends family went to the black sea by car and they took me with them. kate is my best friend and it was realy wonderful to travel together.ourway to the sea was not short/ we visited a lot of small russian towns and some big cities before we got there/ we met a lot of interesting peole/ we began to unerstand how big and beautiful our countru is. the sea was wonderful but is was not black. it was blue in the morning and drak-green in the afternoon. the weather was sunny and hot. we lived in a tent and hat a good time. sometimes we plyed volleybal, read boks and helped kates mother to cook. i think they were the best holidays in my life. which facts are trus falsi or not stated in the tex 1) they visted some russian towns and cities 2)they went 3)they read a lot of 4)they wrote letters to their 5)they met 6)they ran near the sea in the morning and in the 7)thy blak sea was blak in 2 выбери правильный вариант a)not like b) doesn't c) doesn't like 2 can you read a) yes , l can b) yes , l can't c) no , l can 3 my father in interested a) in b)on c) at 4 it's a quarter to four a)без четверти 4 b ) четверть 4 c ) половина 4 5 what's your live at 7 apple street a ) occupation b ) interests c ) address you get up ? - at half past seven a) where b )why c)where 4 раздели глаголы на правильные и не правильные dib, went, lived, came, visted, wented, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam, watched

Английский язык


а)не нравится б) не очень в) не нравятся
2 Вы можете прочитать
а) Да ,б) Да , я не могу C) нет , я не могу
3 мой отец в заинтересованных спорт
а) в б)на В) на
4 четверть-четыре
а)квартал 4 б ) четверть 4 с ) пол 4
5 каков ваш ?-Я живу на улице 7 Яблоко
а ) занятие б ) интересы в ) адрес
6диб ты встаешь ? - В половине восьмого
а) где б )почему в), где
4 разделите глаголы на правильные и неправильные
Некоторые думают, что мир сильно изменится. Города станут больше. Они будут красивее. В них будет больше парков и деревьев. Некоторые говорят, что в городах не будет много людей, и города станут меньше, но фермерских хозяйств будет больше. Больше людей будут жить за городом, и они будут выращивать еду для всего мира. Люди будут выше и умнее. Некоторые думают, что мужчины будут высотой в два метра, и женщины будут такой же высоты. Они говорят, что мужчины и женщины будут носить одинаковую одежду, но разных цветов. Школьники не будут ходить в школу. Они будут иметь компьютеры дома и компьютеры будут им учить всё. По выходным люди будут летать на Луну и другие планеты. Они будут хорошо проводить время там. Они не будут читать много книг. Они будут в основном смотреть телевизор и получать новости из компьютерных сетей. И они многому научатся у природы. Все люди будут наслаждаться жизнью.
"Alexander Pushkin was born may 26 in Moscow.Most of his life was spent in St. Petersburg
In my childhood the summer months, he usually spent with his grandmother in Moscow in Selo Zakharov around Moscow.Early childhood experiences are reflected in Pushkin's sing, written somewhat later.
He wrote many books, here are some of them:
Eugene Onegin
The bronze horseman
The tale of Tsar Saltan 
"Ruslan and Lyudmila"- the most famous Pushkin's book.This is the first finished poem, which he began writing while still in high school."

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Зарание ! 20 1 прочитай текст и выполни , last summer my friends family went to the black sea by car and they took me with them. kate is my best friend and it was realy wonderful to travel together.ourway to the sea was not short/ we visited a lot of small russian towns and some big cities before we got there/ we met a lot of interesting peole/ we began to unerstand how big and beautiful our countru is. the sea was wonderful but is was not black. it was blue in the morning and drak-green in the afternoon. the weather was sunny and hot. we lived in a tent and hat a good time. sometimes we plyed volleybal, read boks and helped kates mother to cook. i think they were the best holidays in my life. which facts are trus falsi or not stated in the tex 1) they visted some russian towns and cities 2)they went 3)they read a lot of 4)they wrote letters to their 5)they met 6)they ran near the sea in the morning and in the 7)thy blak sea was blak in 2 выбери правильный вариант a)not like b) doesn't c) doesn't like 2 can you read a) yes , l can b) yes , l can't c) no , l can 3 my father in interested a) in b)on c) at 4 it's a quarter to four a)без четверти 4 b ) четверть 4 c ) половина 4 5 what's your live at 7 apple street a ) occupation b ) interests c ) address you get up ? - at half past seven a) where b )why c)where 4 раздели глаголы на правильные и не правильные dib, went, lived, came, visted, wented, flew, showed, bought, skated, had, danced, swam, watched
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