
Вставить модальные глаголы. 1. i speak to jane, please? 1) must 2) can 3) ought 4) need 2. i will go to bed early tonight. 1) have to 2) can 3) are to 4) must 3. i have left my bag in the bus. 1) need 2) ought 3) must 4) should 4. you have informed the clients in advance. why didn‘t you do that? 1) should 2) needs 3) has to 4) can 5. don‘t argue with her, you respect her age. 1) may 2) should 3) can 4) will 6. − may i talk to you, please? −sorry, i go now. i‘m late for a meeting. 1) must 2) can 3) mustn‘t 4) shouldn‘t 7. − helen lose some weight. her doctor said so. − then she must go on a diet. 1) mustn‘t 2) can 3) has to 4) can‘t 8. you not ring the bell, i‘ve got the key. 1) ought to 2) could 3) need 4) can 9. john take a taxi because he was late. 1) had to 2) did not have to 3) could 4) was to 10. you give me the mane of someone we can contact for reference. 1) has to 2) is to 3) may 4) can 11. jane still be in her office, but she usually leaves before six. 1) are able to 2) may 3) am allowed to 4) are to 12. doctors of the future will make specific pills for each patient. 1) can 2) be allowed to 3) may 4) be able to 13. i swim when i was a boy of 6. 1) could 2) might 3) can 4) may 14. a lot of pupils in russia wear uniform. 1) have to 2) need 3) is able to 4) ought 15. − how was the test? − easy. all the students pass it. 1) must 2) could 3) might 4) were able to 16. i make some coffee, or do you prefer tea? 1) must 2) shall 3) have to 4) can 17. i hope we find the hospital easily. 1) might 2) could 3) can 4) may 18. it‘s a formal occasion, so i wear a suit and tie. 1) ought 2) may 3) can 4) should 19. i find a job, my parents can‘t support me any longer. 1) are able to 2) has to 3) are allowed to 4) must 20. she be at home – her light is on. 1) am allowed to 2) are to 3) must 4) have to 21. everyone learn first aid. 1) am able to 2) are to 3) have to 4) should 22. i was lost and to ask the policeman the way. 1) had 2) should 3) must 4) may 23. we were to meet at seven, but i come here in time. 1) needn‘t 2) can‘t 3) may not 4) couldn‘t 24. brothers and sisters to take care of each other. 1) are able to 2) must 3) ought 4) can 25. she swim across the river although it was very wide. 1) has to 2) was able to 3) must 4) can 26. why were you so rude to this old man? you be always polite. 1) have to 2) ought to 3) may 4) can 27. you be at home by 10 o‘clock, it‘s very urgent. 1) must 2) may 3) ought to 4) can 28. you work tomorrow if you don‘t want to. 1) couldn‘t 2) oughtn‘t 3) cannot 4) needn‘t 29. you will speak english in another few months. 1) may 2) must 3) be able to 4) ought to 30. your face seems familiar to me. we have met somewhere. 1) need 2) must 3) should 4) ought 31. i park my car in your garage? 1) are allowed to 2) can 3) need 4) is able to

Английский язык



1. I speak to Jane, please?

2) Can

2. I will go to bed early tonight.

1) have to

3. I have left my bag in the bus.

3) must

4. You have informed the clients in advance. Why didn‘t you do that?

1) should

5. Don‘t argue with her, you respect her age.

2) should  

6. − May I talk to you, please? −Sorry, I go now. I‘m late for a meeting.

1) must

7. − Helen lose some weight. Her doctor said so. − Then she must go on a diet.

3) has to

8. You not ring the bell, I‘ve got the key.

3) need

9. John take a taxi because he was late.

1) had to

10. You give me the name of someone we can contact for reference.

4) can

11. Jane still be in her office, but she usually leaves before six.

 2) may

12. Doctors of the future will make specific pills for each patient.

4) be able to

13. I swim when I was a boy of 6.

1) could

14. A lot of pupils in Russia wear uniform.

1) have to

15. − How was the test? − Easy. All the students pass it.

4) were able to

16. I make some coffee, or do you prefer tea?

2) Shall

17. I hope we find the hospital easily.

2) could

18. It‘s a formal occasion, so I wear a suit and tie.

4) should

19. I find a job, my parents can‘t support me any longer.

 4) must

20. She be at home – her light is on.

3) must

21. Everyone learn first aid.

4) should

22. I was lost and to ask the policeman the way.

1) had  

23. We were to meet at seven, but I come here in time.

4) couldn‘t

24. Brothers and sisters to take care of each other.

3) ought

25. She swim across the river although it was very wide.

 2) was able to  

26. Why were you so rude to this old man? You be always polite.

2) ought to

27. You be at home by 10 o‘clock, it‘s very urgent.

1) must

28. You work tomorrow if you don‘t want to.

4) needn‘t

29. You will speak English in another few months.

3) be able to

30. Your face seems familiar to me. We have met somewhere.

2) must

31. I park my car in your garage?

2) Can





2 een в С: ✓ Это типичный британец? статистика говорит нам, что типичному британскому мужчине 40 лет, он живет дома и женат, у него двое детей. Он 2 более 40 часов в неделю и 3 около 25 000 фунтов стерлингов в год. Каждый день у него есть от пятидесяти минут до часа на работу и обратно. автомобиль "Форд", и он 6, он хороший водитель. Типичный британец имеет избыточный вес (он весит около 82,5 кг), и он ? менее 30 минут упражнений в неделю. Обычно он спит около семи часов в сутки. Он не очень хороший повар, но он знает, как приготовить четыре блюда, в том числе спагетти Болоньезе. Он выпивает три чашки чая в день, и за свою жизнь он съел примерно 35 000 печений. Типичный британец имеет восемь близких друзей и более восьмидесяти контактов на своем мобильном телефоне, три телевизора, копию величайших хитов Queen и, по крайней мере, QUEEN. одна из книг о Гарри Поттере. Он тринадцать часов в сети каждую неделю и сорок пять часов в год ждет в режиме ожидания по телефону. 10 телефон. Он 12 WIKIWE 16.99 13


Complete the following text with the correct form of the present simple or continuous,

Many visitors (prefer) 1 San Diego to Angeles because it is smaller and (appeal) more to people who (like) 3 a family atmosphere.

For example, Sea word (puts on) 4 great shows with performing killer whales and dolphins and (attract) 5 children and parents alike. Many people (consider) 6 San Diego zoo to be the best in the world and the animals (live) 7 in the zoological equivalent of five star hotels.

Good free guided tours of the pretty Old Town (leave) 8 daily at 10.30 am and 2 pm.

Until recently the downtown area was very quiet and dull but (are now becoming)

9 much more fashionable; entrepreneurs (opening) 10 trendy restaurants and bars and now the whole area (is booming) 11 as a result of the live jazz concerts which are

held every evening during the high season,

The present simple tense

1. Обычное, постоянное действие, происходящее вообще, а не в данный момент. He goes to school. Он ходит в школу. Yes, I speak French. Да, я говорю по-французски.

2. Нынешнее состояние. I am thirsty. Хочу пить.

3. Вечные истины. Two by two makes four. Дважды два - четыре. The sun sets in the west. Солнце садится на западе.

4. События в момент речи с глаголами чувств, восприятий, состояния души или вещей. See, hear, recognise, want, know, understand, include, belong, need. Do you understand? Понимаешь? I don’t hear you. Я тебя не слышу.

5. Будущие события в придаточных предложениях. I will tell him when he comes. Я скажу ему, когда он придёт. I don’t care what he says or what he does. Мне всё равно, что он скажет или сделает. Who comes first will get a prize. Кто придёт первым – получит приз. I will love you whatever happens. Я буду любить тебя, что бы ни случилось. Next time I will do as you say. В следующий раз я сделаю, как ты скажешь. If, unless, provided that, until, till, as soon as, before, when…

6. Будущие события с глаголами движения и расписания. The match starts at five. Матч начинается в пять часов. The ship sails tomorrow. Корабль отплывает завтра.

7. Действия в настоящий момент в комментариях. Ronaldo shoots and it’s a goal! Рональдо бьёт и забивает! We mix the sauce and pour it into the pan. Перемешиваем соус и выливаем его в кастрюлю.

8. Наравне с будущим временем для описания будущих событий в предложениях, начинающихся с выражений типа. I hope you do well. Надеюсь, у тебя всё будет хорошо. I assume she doesn’t come. Полагаю, она не придёт.

9. Будущие события при уверенности, что они наступят. Tomorrow is Sunday. Завтра воскресенье. He retires next month. В следующем месяце он выходит на пенсию.

10. Хронология событий. In 1957 the USSR launches its first satellite. В 1957 году СССР запускает свой первый спутник. Two years later he finishes his research. Два года спустя он заканчивает свои исследования.

11. Приказы, команды. Stop it! Прекрати это! Come on! Пошли!

12. Восклицательные предложения. Here he comes! Вот он идёт! There goes the bus! Вон идёт автобус!

события для оживления повествования. And then Mike comes up to me and slaps me on the back as if we were friends. А потом Майк подходит ко мне и шлёпает меня по спине, как-будто мы друзья.

14. Заголовки газет и новостей. Princess Diana dies in a car crash. Принцесса Диана погибает в автокатастрофе. Dollar falls. Доллар падает.

15. Предшествующие события с глаголами речи и восприятия. I hear you are going to move. Говорят, вы собираетесь переезжать. I forget your name. Не помню ваше имя.

The present continuous tense

1. Действие в данный момент времени. The birdie is flying. Птичка летит. Кроме глаголов не действия: чувств - like, love, prefer, hate; восприятий - feel, understand, agree, know, seem, sound, taste; состояния души - want, wish, need, состояния вещей - belong, contain, include, possess, owe, own.

2. Действие в текущем отрезке времени. He is learning French this year. В этом году он изучает французский язык.

3. Будущие запланированные действия. I am buying a computer tomorrow. Завтра я покупаю компьютер.

4. При уверенности, что действие должно произойти в будущем. The ship is sailing at 5 o’clock tomorrow.

5. Будущий процесс в придаточных предложениях. If I am sleeping when he comes, wake me up. Если я буду спать, когда он придёт, разбуди меня.

6. Критически или эмоционально воспринимаемые постоянные действия. He is always getting into trouble. Вечно у него возникают проблемы. Imagine, she is constantly studying! Представь, она постоянно занимается!

7. Выражение be going to.

a) Собираться, намереваться. I am going to buy a new car. Я собираюсь купить новую машину.

b) Похоже, что. It is going to rain. Похоже, будет дождь.

c) Может произойти. You are going to be fined. Тебя могут оштрафовать.

d) Предстоит. He is going to receive a Nobel prize. Ему предстоит вручение Нобелевской премии.

e) Приказ. You are going to wash your hands! Ты сейчас руки!

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Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:

Вставить модальные глаголы. 1. i speak to jane, please? 1) must 2) can 3) ought 4) need 2. i will go to bed early tonight. 1) have to 2) can 3) are to 4) must 3. i have left my bag in the bus. 1) need 2) ought 3) must 4) should 4. you have informed the clients in advance. why didn‘t you do that? 1) should 2) needs 3) has to 4) can 5. don‘t argue with her, you respect her age. 1) may 2) should 3) can 4) will 6. − may i talk to you, please? −sorry, i go now. i‘m late for a meeting. 1) must 2) can 3) mustn‘t 4) shouldn‘t 7. − helen lose some weight. her doctor said so. − then she must go on a diet. 1) mustn‘t 2) can 3) has to 4) can‘t 8. you not ring the bell, i‘ve got the key. 1) ought to 2) could 3) need 4) can 9. john take a taxi because he was late. 1) had to 2) did not have to 3) could 4) was to 10. you give me the mane of someone we can contact for reference. 1) has to 2) is to 3) may 4) can 11. jane still be in her office, but she usually leaves before six. 1) are able to 2) may 3) am allowed to 4) are to 12. doctors of the future will make specific pills for each patient. 1) can 2) be allowed to 3) may 4) be able to 13. i swim when i was a boy of 6. 1) could 2) might 3) can 4) may 14. a lot of pupils in russia wear uniform. 1) have to 2) need 3) is able to 4) ought 15. − how was the test? − easy. all the students pass it. 1) must 2) could 3) might 4) were able to 16. i make some coffee, or do you prefer tea? 1) must 2) shall 3) have to 4) can 17. i hope we find the hospital easily. 1) might 2) could 3) can 4) may 18. it‘s a formal occasion, so i wear a suit and tie. 1) ought 2) may 3) can 4) should 19. i find a job, my parents can‘t support me any longer. 1) are able to 2) has to 3) are allowed to 4) must 20. she be at home – her light is on. 1) am allowed to 2) are to 3) must 4) have to 21. everyone learn first aid. 1) am able to 2) are to 3) have to 4) should 22. i was lost and to ask the policeman the way. 1) had 2) should 3) must 4) may 23. we were to meet at seven, but i come here in time. 1) needn‘t 2) can‘t 3) may not 4) couldn‘t 24. brothers and sisters to take care of each other. 1) are able to 2) must 3) ought 4) can 25. she swim across the river although it was very wide. 1) has to 2) was able to 3) must 4) can 26. why were you so rude to this old man? you be always polite. 1) have to 2) ought to 3) may 4) can 27. you be at home by 10 o‘clock, it‘s very urgent. 1) must 2) may 3) ought to 4) can 28. you work tomorrow if you don‘t want to. 1) couldn‘t 2) oughtn‘t 3) cannot 4) needn‘t 29. you will speak english in another few months. 1) may 2) must 3) be able to 4) ought to 30. your face seems familiar to me. we have met somewhere. 1) need 2) must 3) should 4) ought 31. i park my car in your garage? 1) are allowed to 2) can 3) need 4) is able to
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