
Выпишите из текста существительные, прилагательные и глаголы с аффиксами и сгруппируйте их по алфавиту. if you meet a group of twelfth grade students they are all talking about one thing: what are they going to do next year? some students don't want to go on with their education. when they leave school they will look for a job. other students are thinking about colleges. they are each writing letters to three or four different colleges, and sending in forms. colleges accept only those students who have done well in high school. they want to meet these students before they decide to accept them. colleges want to know why students have chosen them, and how they will pay for their college education. students choose from about 2000 colleges in the u.s. livery school has its own special flavor. top students may choose famous "ivy league" schools like princeton, harvard, or yale. they are the oldest colleges in the country — excellent, but very expensive. other students choose large universities because they teach lots of different subjects. some choose small religious colleges. there are differences between colleges and the type of study programs they have. for example, many four-year "liberal arts" colleges are small and teach only the most important subjects for a general education. state universities are large. they teach many subjects and have some programs that last longer than four years. state universities are paid for by money from the state. students from that state pay less to study there. colleges are paid for privately, so students usually pay more to go there. whether a student chooses a small college or a large university, the cost of higher education in the united states is rising every year. many parents find it too expensive. colleges and universities often have money for students who cannot pay, but it is not enough for everyone. some have part-time jobs while they are at college. studying and working at the same time can be very hard. but these students think it's worth all the hard work to get the college education they want.

Английский язык


Существительные:  difference, education, student  прилагательные:  different, excellent, expensive, famous, general, higher, important, liberal, oldest, religious, special, united  глаголов с аффиксами здесь нет.

Народные ремесла — важнейшая составная часть культурного наследия. В них отражены уровень материального производства и духовной жизни народа в . Наряду с национальным зодчеством и фольклором, они являются источником для познания его истории, образа жизни и эстетических идеалов. Изучение национальных художественных традиций их сохранению и использованию в новых социальных условиях. От изготовления седла и конструирования переносных жилищ до современных форм казахских ремесел пройден большой сложный путь развития. Народные мастера испокон веков занимались изготовлением войлочных ковров, плетением циновок, ткачеством, вышивкой, тиснением по коже, были искусными кузнецами, ювелирами, резчиками по дереву и кости. Возникновение этих традиционных видов казахского ремесла связано с натуральным хозяйства, характерным для Казахстана вплоть до Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции. Сохранению многовековых традиций ремесла, устойчивости жизненного уклада казахов во многом их обособление и локализация в степях, начавшиеся с XV века, когда узбеки перекочевали в Среднюю Азию, ногайцы ушли через Волгу на Северный Кавказ, слившись там с оседлым населением. К тому времени теряет былую значимость и древний караванный «шелковый» путь, проходивший через города Южного Казахстана и сыгравший важную роль в развитии городской культуры, торговли, ремесленных дел, земледелия. В то же время подвижность хозяйства, широкие просторы, позволявшие при всех превратностях судьбы уходить в глубь степей, сохраняя свою целостность, язык и культуру, а также экзогамная система брачных отношений1 создавали условия для укрепления традиционных этнических связей и постоянных контактов между племенами, населявшими в старину территорию Казахстана их дальнейшему сближению и образованию казахской народности. Процесс этот, начавшийся в глубокой древности, в основном завершился, как известно, лишь к середине XV века, точнее к 1456 году, когда, отделившись от Золотой Орды, откочевали на восток со своими подданными султаны Джанибек и Керей, положив начало объединению казахских племен.



All right. Look at this picture please. No doubt, that’s a picture of a beautiful woman. I believe , she is an artist.  

I have to say her face is quite attractive. Her forehead is wide and a bit prominent.  

Her eyes are as well too. They are really big, impressive and hazel. Well, look at her eyebrows , they are definitely impeccable.  They look really long and arched.  

As for her nose, it’s not really long and it’s not very short. It’s straight and it really fits to her face. It’s quite pretty.  

Speaking for her lips, they are evidently rather full and pink. I guess her lips are gentle and sensetive.

What’s more.. She has got her small ears and I have to add a couple of words about her amazing red hair. It’s really thick and long. I suppose , she cares of it every day really thoroughly.  

All in all , this  woman looks splendid and fresh. She’s got a regular features of the face. And I wish her to achieve everything she desires in her life.


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Выпишите из текста существительные, прилагательные и глаголы с аффиксами и сгруппируйте их по алфавиту. if you meet a group of twelfth grade students they are all talking about one thing: what are they going to do next year? some students don't want to go on with their education. when they leave school they will look for a job. other students are thinking about colleges. they are each writing letters to three or four different colleges, and sending in forms. colleges accept only those students who have done well in high school. they want to meet these students before they decide to accept them. colleges want to know why students have chosen them, and how they will pay for their college education. students choose from about 2000 colleges in the u.s. livery school has its own special flavor. top students may choose famous "ivy league" schools like princeton, harvard, or yale. they are the oldest colleges in the country — excellent, but very expensive. other students choose large universities because they teach lots of different subjects. some choose small religious colleges. there are differences between colleges and the type of study programs they have. for example, many four-year "liberal arts" colleges are small and teach only the most important subjects for a general education. state universities are large. they teach many subjects and have some programs that last longer than four years. state universities are paid for by money from the state. students from that state pay less to study there. colleges are paid for privately, so students usually pay more to go there. whether a student chooses a small college or a large university, the cost of higher education in the united states is rising every year. many parents find it too expensive. colleges and universities often have money for students who cannot pay, but it is not enough for everyone. some have part-time jobs while they are at college. studying and working at the same time can be very hard. but these students think it's worth all the hard work to get the college education they want.
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