In the picture we see that someone will fly on a plane. If you look closely you can see the hanging clock on the wall they show that at 12 o'clock the plane will fly. Even in the picture there is an instructor who helps passengers.
Перевод на русский:
На картинке мы видим, что кто-то будет лететь на самолете. Если присмотреться, можно увидеть висящие на стене часы, они показывают, что в 12 часов самолет улетит. Даже на картинке есть инструктор, который пассажирам.
Короче как-то так, надеюсь правильно!
Поделитесь своими знаниями, ответьте на вопрос:
Fill in "will" or "be going to". a: why do you need so much sugar? b: i'm going to make a cake. 2. a: oh, no! i've left my purse at home and i haven't got any money on me! b: don't worry. i you some. 3.a: i don't know how to use this mixer. b: that's ok. show you. 4. a: why are these people gathered here? b time open the new hospital ward. a: did you remember to buy the magazine i asked for? b: sony, i didn't. buy it when i go out again. 6. a: what's that on your curtains? b: it's a stain. take them to the dry cleaner's tomorrow. 7. a: these bags are very heavy. i can't lift them. b: carry them for you. 8. a: i hear you're going to leeds university in september. b: yes, study french and german. 9. a: why don't you tidy your room? b: i football in ten minutes, so i haven't got time. 10.a: how can we get all this home? b: ask james to come and help.